![]() |
This is the complete list of members for CSG_PointCloud, including all inherited members.
_Add_Selection(sLong Index) | CSG_Table | protected |
_Del_Selection(sLong Index) | CSG_Table | protected |
_Get_New_Record(sLong Index) | CSG_Shapes | protectedvirtual |
_On_Construction(void) | CSG_PointCloud | protectedvirtual |
_Save_DBase(const CSG_String &File) | CSG_Table | protected |
_Save_Text(const CSG_String &File, bool bHeadline, const SG_Char Separator) | CSG_Table | protected |
_Set_Selection(sLong Index, sLong Selected) | CSG_Table | protected |
_Stats_Invalidate(void) const | CSG_Table | protected |
_Stats_Invalidate(int iField) const | CSG_Table | protected |
_Stats_Update(int Field) const | CSG_PointCloud | protectedvirtual |
Add_Field(const CSG_String &Name, TSG_Data_Type Type, int Field=-1) | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
CSG_Shapes::Add_Field(const char *Name, TSG_Data_Type Type, int Position=-1) | CSG_Table | inlinevirtual |
CSG_Shapes::Add_Field(const wchar_t *Name, TSG_Data_Type Type, int Position=-1) | CSG_Table | inlinevirtual |
Add_Point(double x, double y, double z) | CSG_PointCloud | |
Add_Point(const CSG_Point_3D &Point) | CSG_PointCloud | |
Add_Record(CSG_Table_Record *pCopy=NULL) | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
Add_Shape(CSG_Table_Record *pCopy=NULL, TSG_ADD_Shape_Copy_Mode mCopy=SHAPE_COPY) | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
asGrid(bool bPolymorph=false) const | CSG_Data_Object | |
asGrids(bool bPolymorph=false) const | CSG_Data_Object | |
asPointCloud(bool bPolymorph=false) const | CSG_Data_Object | |
asShapes(bool bPolymorph=false) const | CSG_Data_Object | |
Assign(CSG_Data_Object *pSource) | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
Assign_Values(const CSG_Table &Table) | CSG_Table | |
Assign_Values(CSG_Table *pTable) | CSG_Table | |
Assign_Values(const SG_Char *File) | CSG_Table | |
asTable(bool bPolymorph=false) const | CSG_Data_Object | |
asTIN(bool bPolymorph=false) const | CSG_Data_Object | |
Create(void) | CSG_PointCloud | |
Create(const CSG_PointCloud &PointCloud) | CSG_PointCloud | |
Create(const CSG_String &File) | CSG_PointCloud | |
Create(const char *File) | CSG_PointCloud | |
Create(const wchar_t *File) | CSG_PointCloud | |
Create(CSG_PointCloud *pTemplate) | CSG_PointCloud | |
CSG_Shapes::Create(const CSG_Shapes &Shapes) | CSG_Shapes | |
CSG_Shapes::Create(TSG_Shape_Type Type, const SG_Char *Name=NULL, CSG_Table *pTemplate=NULL, TSG_Vertex_Type Vertex_Type=SG_VERTEX_TYPE_XY) | CSG_Shapes | |
CSG_Table::Create(const CSG_Table &Table) | CSG_Table | |
CSG_Table::Create(const CSG_Table *pTemplate) | CSG_Table | |
CSG_Table::Create(const CSG_String &File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format=TABLE_FILETYPE_Undefined, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED) | CSG_Table | |
CSG_Table::Create(const char *File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format=TABLE_FILETYPE_Undefined, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED) | CSG_Table | |
CSG_Table::Create(const wchar_t *File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format=TABLE_FILETYPE_Undefined, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED) | CSG_Table | |
CSG_Table::Create(const CSG_String &File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format, const SG_Char Separator, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED) | CSG_Table | |
CSG_Table::Create(const char *File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format, const SG_Char Separator, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED) | CSG_Table | |
CSG_Table::Create(const wchar_t *File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format, const SG_Char Separator, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED) | CSG_Table | |
CSG_Data_Object(void) | CSG_Data_Object | |
CSG_PointCloud(void) | CSG_PointCloud | |
CSG_PointCloud(const CSG_PointCloud &PointCloud) | CSG_PointCloud | |
CSG_PointCloud(const CSG_String &File) | CSG_PointCloud | |
CSG_PointCloud(const char *File) | CSG_PointCloud | |
CSG_PointCloud(const wchar_t *File) | CSG_PointCloud | |
CSG_PointCloud(CSG_PointCloud *pTemplate) | CSG_PointCloud | |
CSG_Shapes(void) | CSG_Shapes | |
CSG_Shapes(const CSG_Shapes &Shapes) | CSG_Shapes | |
CSG_Shapes(const char *File) | CSG_Shapes | |
CSG_Shapes(const wchar_t *File) | CSG_Shapes | |
CSG_Shapes(const CSG_String &File) | CSG_Shapes | |
CSG_Shapes(TSG_Shape_Type Type, const SG_Char *Name=NULL, CSG_Table *pTemplate=NULL, TSG_Vertex_Type Vertex_Type=SG_VERTEX_TYPE_XY) | CSG_Shapes | |
CSG_Table(void) | CSG_Table | |
CSG_Table(const CSG_Table &Table) | CSG_Table | |
CSG_Table(const CSG_Table *pTemplate) | CSG_Table | |
CSG_Table(const CSG_String &File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format=TABLE_FILETYPE_Undefined, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED) | CSG_Table | |
CSG_Table(const char *File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format=TABLE_FILETYPE_Undefined, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED) | CSG_Table | |
CSG_Table(const wchar_t *File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format=TABLE_FILETYPE_Undefined, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED) | CSG_Table | |
CSG_Table(const CSG_String &File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format, const SG_Char Separator, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED) | CSG_Table | |
CSG_Table(const char *File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format, const SG_Char Separator, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED) | CSG_Table | |
CSG_Table(const wchar_t *File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format, const SG_Char Separator, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED) | CSG_Table | |
Del_Field(int Field) | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
Del_Index(void) | CSG_Table | |
Del_Point(sLong Index) | CSG_PointCloud | |
Del_Points(void) | CSG_PointCloud | |
Del_Record(sLong Index) | CSG_PointCloud | inlinevirtual |
Del_Records(void) | CSG_PointCloud | inlinevirtual |
Del_Selection(void) | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
Del_Shape(sLong Index) | CSG_PointCloud | inlinevirtual |
Del_Shape(CSG_Shape *pShape) | CSG_PointCloud | inlinevirtual |
Del_Shapes(void) | CSG_PointCloud | inlinevirtual |
Delete(void) | CSG_Data_Object | |
Destroy(void) | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
Find_Field(const CSG_String &Name) const | CSG_Table | |
Find_Field(const char *Name) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Find_Field(const wchar_t *Name) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Find_Field(const CSG_String &Name, int &Index) const | CSG_Table | |
Find_Field(const char *Name, int &Index) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Find_Field(const wchar_t *Name, int &Index) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Find_Record(sLong &Index, int iField, const CSG_String &Value, bool bCreateIndex=false) | CSG_Table | virtual |
Find_Record(int iField, const CSG_String &Value, bool bCreateIndex=false) | CSG_Table | virtual |
Find_Record(sLong &Index, int iField, double Value, bool bCreateIndex=false) | CSG_Table | virtual |
Find_Record(int iField, double Value, bool bCreateIndex=false) | CSG_Table | virtual |
Fmt_Name(const char *Format,...) | CSG_Data_Object | |
Fmt_Name(const wchar_t *Format,...) | CSG_Data_Object | |
from_Text(const CSG_String &Text) | CSG_Table | |
Get_Attribute(int Field) const | CSG_PointCloud | inline |
Get_Attribute(sLong Index, int Field) const | CSG_PointCloud | inline |
Get_Attribute(int Field, CSG_String &Value) const | CSG_PointCloud | inlinevirtual |
Get_Attribute(sLong Index, int Field, CSG_String &Value) const | CSG_PointCloud | inlinevirtual |
Get_Attribute_Count(void) const | CSG_PointCloud | inline |
Get_Attribute_Name(int Field) const | CSG_PointCloud | inline |
Get_Attribute_Type(int Field) const | CSG_PointCloud | inline |
Get_Count(void) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Get_Description(void) const | CSG_Data_Object | |
Get_Extent(void) | CSG_Shapes | inlinevirtual |
Get_Field(const CSG_String &Name) const | CSG_Table | |
Get_Field(const char *Name) const | CSG_Table | |
Get_Field(const wchar_t *Name) const | CSG_Table | |
Get_Field_Count(void) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Get_Field_Length(int iField, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED) const | CSG_Table | |
Get_Field_Name(int iField) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Get_Field_Type(int iField) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Get_File_Encoding(void) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Get_File_Name(bool bNative=true) const | CSG_Data_Object | |
Get_File_Type(void) const | CSG_Data_Object | |
Get_Header_Content(const CSG_String &FileName, CSG_MetaData &Header) | CSG_PointCloud | static |
Get_History(void) | CSG_Data_Object | inline |
Get_History(void) const | CSG_Data_Object | inline |
Get_Index(sLong Index) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Get_Index_Field(int i) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Get_Index_Field(size_t i) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Get_Index_Order(int i) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Get_Index_Order(size_t i) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Get_Managed(void) const | CSG_Data_Object | inline |
Get_Max_Samples(void) const | CSG_Data_Object | inline |
Get_Maximum(int iField) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Get_Mean(int iField) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Get_MetaData(void) const | CSG_Data_Object | inline |
Get_MetaData_DB(void) const | CSG_Data_Object | inline |
Get_Minimum(int iField) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Get_MMax(void) | CSG_Shapes | inline |
Get_MMin(void) | CSG_Shapes | inline |
Get_N(int iField) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Get_Name(void) const | CSG_Data_Object | |
Get_NoData_Value(bool bUpper=false) const | CSG_Data_Object | inline |
Get_ObjectType(void) const | CSG_PointCloud | inlinevirtual |
Get_Owner(void) const | CSG_Data_Object | inline |
Get_Point(void) const | CSG_PointCloud | |
Get_Point(sLong Index) const | CSG_PointCloud | |
Get_Projection(void) | CSG_Data_Object | |
Get_Projection(void) const | CSG_Data_Object | |
Get_Range(int iField) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Get_Record(sLong Index) const | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
Get_Record_byIndex(sLong Index) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Get_RefID(void) const | CSG_Data_Object | inline |
Get_Selection(sLong Index=0) | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
CSG_Table::Get_Selection(sLong Index=0) const | CSG_Table | inlinevirtual |
Get_Selection_Count(void) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Get_Selection_Extent(void) | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
Get_Selection_Index(sLong Index=0) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Get_Shape(const CSG_Point &Point, double Epsilon=0.) | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
CSG_Shapes::Get_Shape(sLong Index) const | CSG_Shapes | inlinevirtual |
Get_Shape_byIndex(sLong Index) const | CSG_Shapes | inlinevirtual |
Get_Statistics(int iField) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Get_StdDev(int iField) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Get_Sum(int iField) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Get_Type(void) const | CSG_Shapes | inlinevirtual |
Get_Update_Flag(void) | CSG_Data_Object | inlineprotected |
Get_Value(int Field) const | CSG_PointCloud | inlinevirtual |
Get_Value(sLong Index, int Field) const | CSG_PointCloud | inlinevirtual |
Get_Value(int Field, CSG_String &Value) const | CSG_PointCloud | inlinevirtual |
Get_Value(sLong Index, int Field, CSG_String &Value) const | CSG_PointCloud | inlinevirtual |
CSG_Shapes::Get_Value(sLong Index, int iField, double &Value) const | CSG_Table | virtual |
Get_Variance(int iField) const | CSG_Table | inline |
Get_Vertex_Type(void) const | CSG_Shapes | inline |
Get_X(void) const | CSG_PointCloud | inline |
Get_X(sLong Index) const | CSG_PointCloud | inline |
Get_Y(void) const | CSG_PointCloud | inline |
Get_Y(sLong Index) const | CSG_PointCloud | inline |
Get_Z(void) const | CSG_PointCloud | inline |
Get_Z(sLong Index) const | CSG_PointCloud | inline |
Get_ZMax(void) | CSG_Shapes | inline |
Get_ZMin(void) | CSG_Shapes | inline |
Ins_Record(sLong Index, CSG_Table_Record *pCopy=NULL) | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
Inv_Selection(void) | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
is_Compatible(CSG_PointCloud *pPointCloud) const | CSG_PointCloud | |
CSG_Shapes::is_Compatible(const CSG_Table &Table, bool bExactMatch=false) const | CSG_Table | |
CSG_Shapes::is_Compatible(CSG_Table *pTable, bool bExactMatch=false) const | CSG_Table | |
is_File_Native(void) const | CSG_Data_Object | inline |
is_Indexed(void) const | CSG_Table | inline |
is_Modified(void) const | CSG_Data_Object | inlinevirtual |
is_NoData(int Field) const | CSG_PointCloud | inline |
is_NoData(sLong Index, int Field) const | CSG_PointCloud | inline |
is_NoData_Value(double Value) const | CSG_Data_Object | inline |
is_Selected(sLong Index) const | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
is_Valid(void) const | CSG_PointCloud | inlinevirtual |
Load(const CSG_String &File, int Format, SG_Char Separator, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED) | CSG_Table | |
Load_MetaData(const CSG_String &FileName) | CSG_Data_Object | protected |
Load_MetaData(CSG_File &Stream) | CSG_Data_Object | protected |
m_Encoding | CSG_Table | protected |
m_Extent | CSG_Table | protected |
m_Extent_Selected | CSG_Shapes | protected |
m_Field_Name | CSG_Table | protected |
m_Field_Stats | CSG_Table | protected |
m_Field_Type | CSG_Table | protected |
m_MMax | CSG_Shapes | protected |
m_MMin | CSG_Shapes | protected |
m_nBuffer | CSG_Table | protected |
m_nFields | CSG_Table | protected |
m_nRecords | CSG_Table | protected |
m_pOwner | CSG_Data_Object | protected |
m_Selection | CSG_Table | protected |
m_Type | CSG_Shapes | protected |
m_Vertex_Type | CSG_Shapes | protected |
m_ZMax | CSG_Shapes | protected |
m_ZMin | CSG_Shapes | protected |
Make_Clean(void) | CSG_Shapes | |
Mov_Field(int Field, int Position) | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
On_Delete(void) | CSG_PointCloud | protectedvirtual |
On_NoData_Changed(void) | CSG_Table | protectedvirtual |
On_Reload(void) | CSG_PointCloud | protectedvirtual |
On_Update(void) | CSG_PointCloud | protectedvirtual |
operator=(const CSG_Table &Table) | CSG_Table | |
operator[](sLong Index) const | CSG_Table | inlinevirtual |
Reload(void) | CSG_Data_Object | |
Save(const CSG_String &File, int Format=0) | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
Save(const char *File, int Format=0) | CSG_PointCloud | inlinevirtual |
Save(const wchar_t *File, int Format=0) | CSG_PointCloud | inlinevirtual |
CSG_Table::Save(const CSG_String &File, int Format, SG_Char Separator, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED) | CSG_Table | virtual |
CSG_Table::Save(const char *File, int Format, SG_Char Separator, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED) | CSG_Table | inlinevirtual |
CSG_Table::Save(const wchar_t *File, int Format, SG_Char Separator, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED) | CSG_Table | inlinevirtual |
Save_History_to_Model(const CSG_String &File) const | CSG_Data_Object | |
Save_MetaData(const CSG_String &FileName) | CSG_Data_Object | protected |
Save_MetaData(CSG_File &Stream) | CSG_Data_Object | protected |
Select(sLong Index, bool bInvert=false) | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
Select(CSG_Table_Record *pShape=NULL, bool bInvert=false) | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
Select(const TSG_Rect &Extent, bool bInvert=false) | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
Select(const TSG_Point &Point, bool bInvert=false) | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
Serialize(CSG_File &Stream, bool bSave) | CSG_Table | |
Set_Attribute(int Field, double Value) | CSG_PointCloud | inline |
Set_Attribute(sLong Index, int Field, double Value) | CSG_PointCloud | inline |
Set_Attribute(int Field, const SG_Char *Value) | CSG_PointCloud | inlinevirtual |
Set_Attribute(sLong Index, int Field, const SG_Char *Value) | CSG_PointCloud | inlinevirtual |
Set_Count(sLong nRecords) | CSG_Table | virtual |
Set_Cursor(sLong Index) | CSG_PointCloud | inline |
Set_Description(const CSG_String &Description) | CSG_Data_Object | |
Set_Field_Name(int iField, const SG_Char *Name) | CSG_Table | |
Set_Field_Type(int Field, TSG_Data_Type Type) | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
Set_File_Encoding(int Encoding) | CSG_Table | |
Set_File_Name(const CSG_String &FileName) | CSG_Data_Object | |
Set_File_Name(const CSG_String &FileName, bool bNative) | CSG_Data_Object | protected |
Set_File_Type(int Type) | CSG_Data_Object | inlineprotected |
Set_Index(CSG_Index &Index, int Field, bool bAscending=true) const | CSG_Table | |
Set_Index(CSG_Index &Index, int Fields[], int nFields, bool bAscending=true) const | CSG_Table | |
Set_Index(CSG_Index &Index, const CSG_Array_Int &Fields, bool bAscending=true) const | CSG_Table | |
Set_Index(int Field, TSG_Table_Index_Order Order=TABLE_INDEX_Ascending, int Field_2=-1, TSG_Table_Index_Order Order_2=TABLE_INDEX_None, int Field_3=-1, TSG_Table_Index_Order Order_3=TABLE_INDEX_None) | CSG_Table | |
Set_Max_Samples(sLong Max_Samples) | CSG_Data_Object | virtual |
Set_Modified(bool bModified=true) | CSG_PointCloud | inlinevirtual |
Set_Name(const CSG_String &Name) | CSG_Data_Object | |
Set_Name(const char *Name) | CSG_Data_Object | |
Set_Name(const wchar_t *Name) | CSG_Data_Object | |
Set_NoData(int Field) | CSG_PointCloud | inline |
Set_NoData(sLong Index, int Field) | CSG_PointCloud | inline |
Set_NoData_Value(double Value) | CSG_Data_Object | virtual |
Set_NoData_Value_Range(double Lower, double Upper) | CSG_Data_Object | virtual |
Set_Owner(CSG_Data_Object *pOwner) | CSG_Data_Object | inline |
Set_Point(const TSG_Point_3D &Point) | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
Set_Point(sLong Index, const TSG_Point_3D &Point) | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
Set_Record(sLong Index, CSG_Table_Record *pCopy) | CSG_Table | virtual |
Set_Update_Flag(bool bOn=true) | CSG_Data_Object | inlineprotected |
Set_Value(int Field, double Value) | CSG_PointCloud | inlinevirtual |
Set_Value(sLong Index, int Field, double Value) | CSG_PointCloud | inlinevirtual |
Set_Value(int Field, const SG_Char *Value) | CSG_PointCloud | inlinevirtual |
Set_Value(sLong Index, int Field, const SG_Char *Value) | CSG_PointCloud | inlinevirtual |
Set_XYZ_Precision(bool bDouble) | CSG_PointCloud | inline |
Sort(const CSG_Index &Index) | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
CSG_Shapes::Sort(const char *Field, bool bAscending=true) | CSG_Table | |
CSG_Shapes::Sort(const wchar_t *Field, bool bAscending=true) | CSG_Table | |
CSG_Shapes::Sort(const CSG_String &Field, bool bAscending=true) | CSG_Table | |
CSG_Shapes::Sort(int Field, bool bAscending=true) | CSG_Table | |
to_Text(bool Selection=false) const | CSG_Table | |
Toggle_Index(int iField) | CSG_Table | |
Track(bool Track=true, bool Offset=false) | CSG_Data_Object | static |
Update(bool bForce=false) | CSG_Data_Object | |
~CSG_Data_Object(void) | CSG_Data_Object | virtual |
~CSG_PointCloud(void) | CSG_PointCloud | virtual |
~CSG_Shapes(void) | CSG_Shapes | virtual |
~CSG_Table(void) | CSG_Table | virtual |