SAGA-GIS Module Library Documentation (v2.1.3)

Module Lake Flood

This module can be used to flood a digital elevation model from seed points. Seed points have to be coded either with local water depth or absolute water level.


InputDEMGrid (input)ELEVdigital elevation model-
SeedsGrid (input)SEEDSseed cells coded with local water depth or absolute water level, all other cells NoData-
OutputLakeGrid (output)OUTDEPTHextent of lake, coded with water depth-
SurfaceGrid (output)OUTLEVELFlooded digital elevation model-
OptionsAbsolute Water LevelsBooleanLEVELcheck this in case seed cells are coded with absolute water levelDefault: 0


Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 16 -ELEV <str> -SEEDS <str> [-LEVEL <str>] [-OUTDEPTH <str>] [-OUTLEVEL <str>]
  -ELEV:<str>    	DEM
	Grid (input)
  -SEEDS:<str>   	Seeds
	Grid (input)
  -LEVEL:<str>   	Absolute Water Levels
	Default: 0
  -OUTDEPTH:<str>	Lake
	Grid (output)
  -OUTLEVEL:<str>	Surface
	Grid (output)