Module SVM Classification
Support Vector Machine (SVM) based classification for grids.
Chang, C.-C. / Lin, C.-J. (2011): A library for support vector machines. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, vol.2/3, p.1-27. LIBSVM Homepage.
- Author: O.Conrad (c) 2012
- Specification: grid
- Menu: Imagery|Classification
Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints | |
Input | Grids | Grid list (input) | GRIDS | - | - |
Training Areas | Shapes (input) | ROI | - | - | |
Output | Classification | Grid (output) | CLASSES | - | - |
Options | Scaling | Choice | SCALING | - | Available Choices: [0] none [1] normalize (0-1) [2] standardize Default: 2 |
Verbose Messages | Boolean | MESSAGE | - | Default: 0 | |
Model Source | Choice | MODEL_SRC | - | Available Choices: [0] create from training areas [1] restore from file Default: 0 | |
Restore Model from File | File path | MODEL_LOAD | - | - | |
Class Identifier | Table field | ROI_ID | - | - | |
Store Model to File | File path | MODEL_SAVE | - | - | |
SVM Type | Choice | SVM_TYPE | - | Available Choices: [0] C-SVC [1] nu-SVC [2] one-class SVM [3] epsilon-SVR [4] nu-SVR Default: 0 | |
Kernel Type | Choice | KERNEL_TYPE | linear: u'*v polynomial: (gamma*u'*v + coef0)^degree radial basis function: exp(-gamma*|u-v|^2) sigmoid: tanh(gamma*u'*v + coef0) | Available Choices: [0] linear [1] polynomial [2] radial basis function [3] sigmoid Default: 2 | |
Degree | Integer | DEGREE | degree in kernel function | Default: 3 | |
Gamma | Floating point | GAMMA | gamma in kernel function | Default: 0.000000 | |
coef0 | Floating point | COEF0 | coef0 in kernel function | Default: 0.000000 | |
C | Floating point | COST | parameter C (cost) of C-SVC, epsilon-SVR, and nu-SVR | Default: 1.000000 | |
nu-SVR | Floating point | NU | parameter nu of nu-SVC, one-class SVM, and nu-SVR | Default: 0.500000 | |
SVR Epsilon | Floating point | EPS_SVR | epsilon in loss function of epsilon-SVR | Default: 0.100000 | |
Cache Size | Floating point | CACHE_SIZE | cache memory size in MB | Default: 100.000000 | |
Epsilon | Floating point | EPS | tolerance of termination criterion | Default: 0.001000 | |
Shrinking | Boolean | SHRINKING | whether to use the shrinking heuristics | Default: 0 | |
Probability Estimates | Boolean | PROBABILITY | whether to train a SVC or SVR model for probability estimates | Default: 0 | |
Cross Validation | Integer | CROSSVAL | n-fold cross validation: n must > 1 | Minimum: 1 Default: 1 |
Usage: saga_cmd imagery_svm 0 -GRIDS <str> [-CLASSES <str>] [-SCALING <str>] [-MESSAGE <str>] [-MODEL_SRC <str>] [-MODEL_LOAD <str>] -ROI <str> [-ROI_ID <str>] [-MODEL_SAVE <str>] [-SVM_TYPE <str>] [-KERNEL_TYPE <str>] [-DEGREE <num>] [-GAMMA <str>] [-COEF0 <str>] [-COST <str>] [-NU <str>] [-EPS_SVR <str>] [-CACHE_SIZE <str>] [-EPS <str>] [-SHRINKING <str>] [-PROBABILITY <str>] [-CROSSVAL <num>] -GRIDS:<str> Grids Grid list (input) -CLASSES:<str> Classification Grid (output) -SCALING:<str> Scaling Choice Available Choices: [0] none [1] normalize (0-1) [2] standardize Default: 2 -MESSAGE:<str> Verbose Messages Boolean Default: 0 -MODEL_SRC:<str> Model Source Choice Available Choices: [0] create from training areas [1] restore from file Default: 0 -MODEL_LOAD:<str> Restore Model from File File path -ROI:<str> Training Areas Shapes (input) -ROI_ID:<str> Class Identifier Table field -MODEL_SAVE:<str> Store Model to File File path -SVM_TYPE:<str> SVM Type Choice Available Choices: [0] C-SVC [1] nu-SVC [2] one-class SVM [3] epsilon-SVR [4] nu-SVR Default: 0 -KERNEL_TYPE:<str> Kernel Type Choice Available Choices: [0] linear [1] polynomial [2] radial basis function [3] sigmoid Default: 2 -DEGREE:<num> Degree Integer Default: 3 -GAMMA:<str> Gamma Floating point Default: 0.000000 -COEF0:<str> coef0 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -COST:<str> C Floating point Default: 1.000000 -NU:<str> nu-SVR Floating point Default: 0.500000 -EPS_SVR:<str> SVR Epsilon Floating point Default: 0.100000 -CACHE_SIZE:<str> Cache Size Floating point Default: 100.000000 -EPS:<str> Epsilon Floating point Default: 0.001000 -SHRINKING:<str> Shrinking Boolean Default: 0 -PROBABILITY:<str> Probability Estimates Boolean Default: 0 -CROSSVAL:<num> Cross Validation Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1