Module Point Cloud Attribute Calculator
The Point Cloud Attribute Calculator calculates a new attribute based on existing attributes and a mathematical formula. Attribute fields are addressed by the character 'f' (for 'field') followed by the field number (i.e.: f1, f2, ..., fn) or by the field name in square brackets (e.g.: [Field Name]).
sin(f1) * f2 + f3
[intensity] / 1000
The following operators are available for the formula definition:
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
^ power
abs(x) - absolute value
sqr(x) - square
sqrt(x) - square root
ln(x) - natural logarithm
log(x) - base 10 logarithm
exp(x) - exponential
pow(x, y) - power with mantisse x and exponent y
sin(x) - sine
cos(x) - cosine
tan(x) - tangent
asin(x) - arcsine
acos(x) - arccosine
atan(x) - arctangent
atan2(x, y) - arctangent of x/y
gt(x, y) - the result is 1.0, if x is greater than y else 0.0
x > y - the result is 1.0, if x is greater than y else 0.0
lt(x, y) - the result is 1.0, if x is less than y, else 0.0
x < y - the result is 1.0, if x is less than y, else 0.0
eq(x, y) - the result is 1.0, if x equals y, else 0.0
x = y - the result is 1.0, if x equals y, else 0.0
mod(x, y) - returns the floating point remainder of x/y
ifelse(c, x, y) - if condition c is not 0.0 the result is x, else y
int(x) - integer part of floating point value x
pi() - returns the value of Pi
- Author: Volker Wichmann (c) 2010-213, LASERDATA GmbH
- Specification: grid
- Menu: Shapes|Point Clouds|Tools
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Point Cloud | Point Cloud (input) | PC_IN | Input | - |
Output | Result (*) | Point Cloud (optional output) | PC_OUT | Output | - |
Options | Formula | Text | FORMULA | - | Default: f1+f2 |
Output Field Name | Text | NAME | - | Default: Calculation |
Field data type | Choice | TYPE | - | Available Choices: [0] 1 bit [1] 1 byte unsigned integer [2] 1 byte signed integer [3] 2 byte unsigned integer [4] 2 byte signed integer [5] 4 byte unsigned integer [6] 4 byte signed integer [7] 4 byte floating point [8] 8 byte floating point Default: 7 |
Use NoData | Boolean | USE_NODATA | Check this in order to include NoData points in the calculation. | Default: 0 |
(*) optional |
Usage: saga_cmd pointcloud_tools 10 -PC_IN <str> [-PC_OUT <str>] [-FORMULA <str>] [-NAME <str>] [-TYPE <str>] [-USE_NODATA <str>]
-PC_IN:<str> Point Cloud
Point Cloud (input)
-PC_OUT:<str> Result
Point Cloud (optional output)
-FORMULA:<str> Formula
Default: f1+f2
-NAME:<str> Output Field Name
Default: Calculation
-TYPE:<str> Field data type
Available Choices:
[0] 1 bit
[1] 1 byte unsigned integer
[2] 1 byte signed integer
[3] 2 byte unsigned integer
[4] 2 byte signed integer
[5] 4 byte unsigned integer
[6] 4 byte signed integer
[7] 4 byte floating point
[8] 8 byte floating point
Default: 7
-USE_NODATA:<str> Use NoData
Default: 0