SAGA-GIS Module Library Documentation (v2.2.4)

Module Soil Texture Classification

Derive soil texture classes with USDA scheme from sand, silt and clay contents.

1 - Clay
2 - Silty Clay
3 - Silty Clay Loam
4 - Sandy Clay
5 - Sandy Clay Loam
6 - Clay Loam
7 - Silt
8 - Silt Loam
9 - Loam
10 - Sand
11 - Loamy Sand
12 - Sandy Loam

USDA NRCS Soils Website


InputSand (*)Grid (optional input)SANDsand content given as percentage-
Silt (*)Grid (optional input)SILTsilt content given as percentage-
Clay (*)Grid (optional input)CLAYclay content given as percentage-
OutputSoil TextureGrid (output)TEXTUREsoil texture-
Sum (*)Grid (optional output)SUMSum of percentages-
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 14 [-SAND <str>] [-SILT <str>] [-CLAY <str>] [-TEXTURE <str>] [-SUM <str>]
  -SAND:<str>   	Sand
	Grid (optional input)
  -SILT:<str>   	Silt
	Grid (optional input)
  -CLAY:<str>   	Clay
	Grid (optional input)
  -TEXTURE:<str>	Soil Texture
	Grid (output)
  -SUM:<str>    	Sum
	Grid (optional output)