SAGA-GIS Module Library Documentation (v2.2.4)

Module Change Cell Values (interactive)

The module allows to interactively change cell values of the input grid. Once the module is executed and running, you can use the Action tool to select grid cells. While working on a grid, you can change (and apply) the 'New Value' and the 'Method' parameters without stopping and re-starting the module.


InputGridGrid (input)GRIDThe grid to modify.-
OptionsValueFloating pointVALUEThe value to apply.Default: 0.000000
MethodChoiceMETHODChoose how to apply the new value.Available Choices:
[0] set
[1] add
[2] subtract
Default: 0
RadiusFloating pointRADIUSChange all values within radius.Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 0.000000


this interactive module can not be executed.