SAGA-GIS Module Library Documentation (v2.2.4)

Module Change Grid Values - Flood Fill (interactive)

Interactively use the flood fill method to replace a grid's cell values. If the target is not set, the changes will be stored to the original grid.


InputGridGrid (input)GRID_IN--
OutputChanged Grid (*)Grid (optional output)GRID_OUT--
OptionsFill ValueFloating pointFILL-Default: 1.000000
Value to be replacedChoiceMETHOD-Available Choices:
[0] value at mouse position
[1] fixed value
[2] tolerance as absolute values
Default: 0
Fixed value to be replacedFloating pointZFIXED-Default: 0.000000
Upper ToleranceFloating pointDZMAX-Default: 1.000000
Lower ToleranceFloating pointDZMIN-Default: -1.000000
Fill NoDataBooleanNODATA-Default: 0
(*) optional


this interactive module can not be executed.