SAGA-GIS Module Library Documentation (v2.2.4)

Module Grids from classified grid and table

Creates several grids using a classified grid and a table with data values for each class.


InputTableTable (input)TABLEThe table with the (numeric) data values for each class. The module creates a grid for each table column (besides the ID).-
ClassesGrid (input)CLASSESThe grid coded with the class IDs.-
OutputGrids (*)Grid list (optional output)GRIDSThe output grids, one grid for each table column.-
OptionsAttributeTable fieldID_FIELDThe attribute with the class IDs, used to link the table and the grid.-
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 22 [-TABLE <str>] [-ID_FIELD <str>] [-CLASSES <str>] [-GRIDS <str>]
  -TABLE:<str>   	Table
	Table (input)
  -ID_FIELD:<str>	Attribute
	Table field
  -CLASSES:<str> 	Classes
	Grid (input)
  -GRIDS:<str>   	Grids
	Grid list (optional output)