SAGA-GIS Module Library Documentation (v2.2.4)

Module Vegetation Index (Slope Based)

Slope based vegetation indices.

(NIR = near infrared, R = red, S = soil adjustment factor)

K.R. McCloy (2006): Resource Management Information Systems: Remote Sensing, GIS and Modelling. 2nd Edition, CRC Taylor & Francis, 575pp.

N.G. Silleos, T.K. Alexandridis, I.Z. Gitas & K. Perakis (2006): Vegetation Indices: Advances Made in Biomass Estimation and Vegetation Monitoring in the Last 30 Years, Geocarto International, 21:4, 21-28, online.


InputRed ReflectanceGrid (input)RED--
Near Infrared ReflectanceGrid (input)NIR--
OutputDifference Vegetation Index (*)Grid (optional output)DVI--
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (*)Grid (optional output)NDVI--
Ratio Vegetation Index (*)Grid (optional output)RVI--
Normalized Ratio Vegetation Index (*)Grid (optional output)NRVI--
Transformed Vegetation Index (*)Grid (optional output)TVI--
Corrected Transformed Vegetation Index (*)Grid (optional output)CTVI--
Thiam's Transformed Vegetation Index (*)Grid (optional output)TTVI--
Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (*)Grid (optional output)SAVI--
OptionsSoil Adjustment FactorFloating pointSOILSoil adjustment factor for SAVI calculation. Suggested values are 1.0 in case of very low vegetation, 0.5 for intermediate 0.5, and 0.25 for high densities (Silleos et al. 2006).Minimum: 0.000000
Maximum: 1.000000
Default: 0.500000
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 1 [-RED <str>] [-NIR <str>] [-DVI <str>] [-NDVI <str>] [-RVI <str>] [-NRVI <str>] [-TVI <str>] [-CTVI <str>] [-TTVI <str>] [-SAVI <str>] [-SOIL <str>]
  -RED:<str> 	Red Reflectance
	Grid (input)
  -NIR:<str> 	Near Infrared Reflectance
	Grid (input)
  -DVI:<str> 	Difference Vegetation Index
	Grid (optional output)
  -NDVI:<str>	Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
	Grid (optional output)
  -RVI:<str> 	Ratio Vegetation Index
	Grid (optional output)
  -NRVI:<str>	Normalized Ratio Vegetation Index
	Grid (optional output)
  -TVI:<str> 	Transformed Vegetation Index
	Grid (optional output)
  -CTVI:<str>	Corrected Transformed Vegetation Index
	Grid (optional output)
  -TTVI:<str>	Thiam's Transformed Vegetation Index
	Grid (optional output)
  -SAVI:<str>	Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index
	Grid (optional output)
  -SOIL:<str>	Soil Adjustment Factor
	Floating point
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Maximum: 1.000000
	Default: 0.500000