SAGA-GIS Module Library Documentation (v2.2.4)

Module Tasseled Cap Transformation

Tasseled Cap Transformation as proposed for Landsat Thematic Mapper.

Kauth R. J. und G. S. Thomas (1976): The Tasseled Cap - A Graphic Description of the Spectral-Temporal Development of Agricultural Crops as Seen by LANDSAT. Proceedings of the Symposium on Machine Processing of Remotely Sensed Data. online at Purdue University

Huang, C., B. Wylie, L. Yang, C. Homer, and G. Zylstra. Derivation of a Tasseled Cap Transformation Based on Landsat 7 At-Satellite Reflectance. USGS EROS Data Center White Paper. online at USGS


InputBlue (TM 1) (*)Grid (optional input)BLUE--
Red (TM 2)Grid (input)RED--
Green (TM 3)Grid (input)GREEN--
Near Infrared (TM 4)Grid (input)NIR--
Mid Infrared (TM 5)Grid (input)MIR1--
Mid Infrared (TM 7)Grid (input)MIR2--
OutputBrightnessGrid (output)BRIGHTNESS--
GreennessGrid (output)GREENNESS--
WetnessGrid (output)WETNESS--
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 3 [-BLUE <str>] [-RED <str>] [-GREEN <str>] [-NIR <str>] [-MIR1 <str>] [-MIR2 <str>] [-BRIGHTNESS <str>] [-GREENNESS <str>] [-WETNESS <str>]
  -BLUE:<str>      	Blue (TM 1)
	Grid (optional input)
  -RED:<str>       	Red (TM 2)
	Grid (input)
  -GREEN:<str>     	Green (TM 3)
	Grid (input)
  -NIR:<str>       	Near Infrared (TM 4)
	Grid (input)
  -MIR1:<str>      	Mid Infrared (TM 5)
	Grid (input)
  -MIR2:<str>      	Mid Infrared (TM 7)
	Grid (input)
  -BRIGHTNESS:<str>	Brightness
	Grid (output)
  -GREENNESS:<str> 	Greenness
	Grid (output)
  -WETNESS:<str>   	Wetness
	Grid (output)