SAGA-GIS Module Library Documentation (v2.2.4)

Module Point Cloud Cutter

This modules allows one to extract subsets from one or several point cloud datasets. The area-of-interest is defined either by bounding box coordinates, the extent of a grid system or a shapes layer, or by polygons of a shapes layer. Note that the latter does not support the inverse selection.


InputPointsPoint Cloud list (input)POINTSOne or several input point cloud datasets to cut.-
OutputCutPoint Cloud list (output)CUTThe cutted output point cloud dataset(s).-
OptionsChoose Cut from ...ChoiceAREA-Available Choices:
[0] User Defined Extent
[1] Grid System Extent
[2] Shapes Extent
[3] Polygons
Default: 0
InverseBooleanINVERSEInvert selection.Default: 0


Usage: saga_cmd pointcloud_tools 0 [-POINTS <str>] [-CUT <str>] [-AREA <str>] [-INVERSE <str>] [-USER_XMIN <str>] [-USER_XMAX <str>] [-USER_YMIN <str>] [-USER_YMAX <str>] [-GRID_GRID_NX <num>] [-GRID_GRID_NY <num>] [-GRID_GRID_X <str>] [-GRID_GRID_Y <str>] [-GRID_GRID_D <str>] [-EXTENT_EXTENT <str>] [-POLYGONS_POLYGONS <str>]
  -POINTS:<str>           	Points
	Point Cloud list (input)
  -CUT:<str>              	Cut
	Point Cloud list (output)
  -AREA:<str>             	Choose Cut from ...
	Available Choices:
	[0] User Defined Extent
	[1] Grid System Extent
	[2] Shapes Extent
	[3] Polygons
	Default: 0
  -INVERSE:<str>          	Inverse
	Default: 0
  -USER_XMIN:<str>        	Left
	Floating point
	Default: 0.000000
  -USER_XMAX:<str>        	Right
	Floating point
	Default: 0.000000
  -USER_YMIN:<str>        	Bottom
	Floating point
	Default: 0.000000
  -USER_YMAX:<str>        	Top
	Floating point
	Default: 0.000000
  -GRID_GRID_NX:<num>     	Grid System
	Grid system
  -GRID_GRID_NY:<num>     	Grid System
	Grid system
  -GRID_GRID_X:<str>      	Grid System
	Grid system
  -GRID_GRID_Y:<str>      	Grid System
	Grid system
  -GRID_GRID_D:<str>      	Grid System
	Grid system
  -EXTENT_EXTENT:<str>    	Shapes Extent
	Shapes (optional input)
  -POLYGONS_POLYGONS:<str>	Polygons
	Shapes (optional input)