SAGA-GIS Module Library Documentation (v2.2.4)

Module Upslope and Downslope Curvature

Calculates the local curvature of a cell as sum of the gradients to its neighbour cells. Upslope curvature is the distance weighted average local curvature in a cell's upslope contributing area based on multiple flow direction after Freeman 1994.
- Freeman, G.T. (1991): Calculating catchment area with divergent flow based on a regular grid. Computers and Geosciences, 17:413-22


InputElevationGrid (input)DEM--
OutputLocal CurvatureGrid (output)C_LOCAL--
Upslope CurvatureGrid (output)C_UP--
Local Upslope CurvatureGrid (output)C_UP_LOCAL--
Downslope CurvatureGrid (output)C_DOWN--
Local Downslope CurvatureGrid (output)C_DOWN_LOCAL--
OptionsUpslope WeightingFloating pointWEIGHTING-Minimum: 0.000000
Maximum: 1.000000
Default: 0.500000


Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 26 [-DEM <str>] [-C_LOCAL <str>] [-C_UP <str>] [-C_UP_LOCAL <str>] [-C_DOWN <str>] [-C_DOWN_LOCAL <str>] [-WEIGHTING <str>]
  -DEM:<str>         	Elevation
	Grid (input)
  -C_LOCAL:<str>     	Local Curvature
	Grid (output)
  -C_UP:<str>        	Upslope Curvature
	Grid (output)
  -C_UP_LOCAL:<str>  	Local Upslope Curvature
	Grid (output)
  -C_DOWN:<str>      	Downslope Curvature
	Grid (output)
  -C_DOWN_LOCAL:<str>	Local Downslope Curvature
	Grid (output)
  -WEIGHTING:<str>   	Upslope Weighting
	Floating point
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Maximum: 1.000000
	Default: 0.500000