The "Import TMS Image" tool imports a map image from a Tile Mapping Service (TMS) using the "Geospatial Data Abstraction Library" (GDAL) by Frank Warmerdam. For more information have a look at the GDAL homepage:
GDAL Version:1.7.3
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Target System (*) | Grid (optional input) | TARGET | - | - |
Output | Target Map | Grid (output) | TARGET_MAP | - | - |
Map (*) | Data Object (optional output) | MAP | - | - |
Options | Grid system | Grid system | TARGET_GRIDSYSTEM | - | - |
Server | Choice | SERVER | - | Available Choices: [0] Open Street Map [1] MapQuest [2] Google Map [3] Google Satellite [4] Google Hybrid [5] Google Terrain [6] Google Terrain, Streets and Water [7] ArcGIS MapServer Tiles [8] user defined Default: 0 |
Block Size | Integer | BLOCKSIZE | - | Minimum: 32 Default: 256 |
Server | Text | SERVER_USER | - | Default:${z}/${x}/${y}.png |
Cache | Boolean | CACHE | Enable local disk cache. Allows for offline operation. | Default: 0 |
Cache Directory | File path | CACHE_DIR | If not specified the cache will be created in the current user's temporary directory. | - |
Gray Scale Image | Boolean | GRAYSCALE | - | Default: 0 |
West | Floating point | XMIN | - | Minimum: -20037508.340000 Maximum: 20037508.340000 Default: -20037508.340000 |
South | Floating point | YMIN | - | Minimum: -20037508.340000 Maximum: 20037508.340000 Default: -20037508.340000 |
East | Floating point | XMAX | - | Minimum: -20037508.340000 Maximum: 20037508.340000 Default: 20037508.340000 |
North | Floating point | YMAX | - | Minimum: -20037508.340000 Maximum: 20037508.340000 Default: 20037508.340000 |
Columns | Integer | NX | - | Minimum: 1 Default: 600 |
Rows | Integer | NY | - | Minimum: 1 Default: 600 |
(*) optional |