Module Gradient Vector from Polar to Cartesian Coordinates
Converts gradient vector from polar coordinates (direction or aspect angle and length or tangens of slope) to directional components (Cartesian).
The module supports three conventions on how the angle of direction can be supplied:
(a) mathematical: direction angle is zero in East direction and the angle increases counterclockwise
(b) geographical: direction angle is zero in North direction and the angle increases clockwise
(c) zero direction and orientation are user defined
- Author: Victor Olaya & Volker Wichmann (c) 2004-2010
- Menu: Grid|Calculus|Conversions
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Direction | Grid (input) | DIR | - | - |
Length | Grid (input) | LEN | - | - |
Output | X Component | Grid (output) | DX | - | - |
Y Component | Grid (output) | DY | - | - |
Options | Grid system | Grid system | PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM | Grid system | - |
Polar Angle Units | Choice | UNITS | - | Available Choices: [0] radians [1] degree Default: 0 |
Polar Coordinate System | Choice | SYSTEM | - | Available Choices: [0] mathematical [1] geographical [2] user defined Default: 1 |
User defined Zero Direction | Floating point | SYSTEM_ZERO | given in degree clockwise from North direction | Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 360.000000 Default: 0.000000 |
User defined Orientation | Choice | SYSTEM_ORIENT | - | Available Choices: [0] clockwise [1] counterclockwise Default: 0 |
Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 16 [-DIR <str>] [-LEN <str>] [-DX <str>] [-DY <str>] [-UNITS <str>] [-SYSTEM <str>] [-SYSTEM_ZERO <double>] [-SYSTEM_ORIENT <str>]
-DIR:<str> Direction
Grid (input)
-LEN:<str> Length
Grid (input)
-DX:<str> X Component
Grid (output)
-DY:<str> Y Component
Grid (output)
-UNITS:<str> Polar Angle Units
Available Choices:
[0] radians
[1] degree
Default: 0
-SYSTEM:<str> Polar Coordinate System
Available Choices:
[0] mathematical
[1] geographical
[2] user defined
Default: 1
-SYSTEM_ZERO:<double> User defined Zero Direction
Floating point
Minimum: 0.000000
Maximum: 360.000000
Default: 0.000000
-SYSTEM_ORIENT:<str> User defined Orientation
Available Choices:
[0] clockwise
[1] counterclockwise
Default: 0