Generate a grid based on a functional expression. The function interpreter uses an formula expression parser that offers the following operators:
+ | Addition |
- | Subtraction |
* | Multiplication |
/ | Division |
abs(x) | Absolute Value |
mod(x, y) | Returns the floating point remainder of x/y |
int(x) | Returns the integer part of floating point value x |
sqr(x) | Square |
sqrt(x) | Square Root |
exp(x) | Exponential |
pow(x, y) | Returns x raised to the power of y |
x ^ y | Returns x raised to the power of y |
ln(x) | Natural Logarithm |
log(x) | Base 10 Logarithm |
pi() | Returns the value of Pi |
sin(x) | Sine |
cos(x) | Cosine |
tan(x) | Tangent |
asin(x) | Arcsine |
acos(x) | Arccosine |
atan(x) | Arctangent |
atan2(x, y) | Arctangent of x/y |
gt(x, y) | Returns true (1), if x is greater than y, else false (0) |
x > y | Returns true (1), if x is greater than y, else false (0) |
lt(x, y) | Returns true (1), if x is less than y, else false (0) |
x < y | Returns true (1), if x is less than y, else false (0) |
eq(x, y) | Returns true (1), if x equals y, else false (0) |
x = y | Returns true (1), if x equals y, else false (0) |
and(x, y) | Returns true (1), if both x and y are true (i.e. not 0) |
or(x, y) | Returns true (1), if at least one of both x and y is true (i.e. not 0) |
ifelse(c, x, y) | Returns x, if condition c is true (i.e. not 0), else y |
rand_u(x, y) | Random number, uniform distribution with minimum x and maximum y |
rand_g(x, y) | Random number, Gaussian distribution with mean x and standard deviation y |