Module Export GPX
Exports vector data points to GPS eXchange format GPX.
The GPS Exchange Format
- Author: O. Conrad (c) 2009
- Menu: File|Shapes|Export
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Shapes | Shapes (input) | SHAPES | - | - |
Options | File | File path | FILE | - | - |
Elevation (*) | Table field | ELE | - | - |
Name (*) | Table field | NAME | - | - |
Comment (*) | Table field | CMT | - | - |
Description (*) | Table field | DESC | - | - |
(*) optional |
Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 14 [-SHAPES <str>] [-FILE <str>] [-ELE <str>] [-NAME <str>] [-CMT <str>] [-DESC <str>]
-SHAPES:<str> Shapes
Shapes (input)
-FILE:<str> File
File path
-ELE:<str> Elevation
Table field
-NAME:<str> Name
Table field
-CMT:<str> Comment
Table field
-DESC:<str> Description
Table field