Module Import Point Cloud from Text File
Creates a point cloud from a text file.
The input file must have at least three columns holding the x, y, z coordinates of each point. You must specify the field numbers of these. In case you like to import additional attributes, you have to provide the number of attribute fields. After module execution, you will be prompted to provide their field numbers, names and datatypes.
You have also to decide on which field separator to use and if the first line of the input file should be skipped (in case it contains column headings).
The columns in the input file can be in any order, and you can omit columns, but you have to provide the correct field numbers of those you like to import.
Module usage is different between SAGA GUI and SAGA CMD: With SAGA GUI you will get prompted to choose the fields to export, and to provide the field names and datatypes to use once you execute the module.
With SAGA CMD you have to provide three strings with the -FIELDS, -FIELDNAMES and -FIELDTYPES parameters. The first one must contain the field numbers, the second one the field names and the third one the choices of the datatype (see the GUI which number equals which datatype). Each field entry has to be separated by semicolon. Field numbers start with 1, e.g. -FIELDS="5;6;8" -FIELDNAMES="intensity;class;range" -FIELDTYPES="2;2;3".
- Author: V. Wichmann, LASERDATA GmbH (c) 2009
- Menu: File|Shapes|Import
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Output | Point Cloud (*) | Data Object (optional output) | POINTS | - | - |
Options | Text File | File path | FILE | - | - |
X is Column ... | Integer | XFIELD | The column holding the X-coordinate. | Minimum: 1 Default: 1 |
Y is Column ... | Integer | YFIELD | The column holding the Y-coordinate. | Minimum: 1 Default: 2 |
Z is Column ... | Integer | ZFIELD | The column holding the Z-coordinate. | Minimum: 1 Default: 3 |
Fields | Text | FIELDS | The numbers (starting from 1) of the fields to import, separated by semicolon, e.g. "5;6;8" | - |
Field Names | Text | FIELDNAMES | The name to use for each field, separated by semicolon, e.g. "intensity;class;range" | - |
Field Types | Text | FIELDTYPES | The datatype to use for each field, separated by semicolon, e.g. "2;2;3;". The number equals the choice selection, see GUI version. | - |
Skip first line | Boolean | SKIP_HEADER | Skip first line as it contains column names. | Default: 0 |
Field Separator | Choice | FIELDSEP | Field Separator | Available Choices: [0] tabulator [1] space [2] comma Default: 0 |
(*) optional |
Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 16 [-POINTS <str>] [-FILE <str>] [-XFIELD <num>] [-YFIELD <num>] [-ZFIELD <num>] [-FIELDS <str>] [-FIELDNAMES <str>] [-FIELDTYPES <str>] [-SKIP_HEADER <str>] [-FIELDSEP <str>]
-POINTS:<str> Point Cloud
Data Object (optional output)
-FILE:<str> Text File
File path
-XFIELD:<num> X is Column ...
Minimum: 1
Default: 1
-YFIELD:<num> Y is Column ...
Minimum: 1
Default: 2
-ZFIELD:<num> Z is Column ...
Minimum: 1
Default: 3
-FIELDS:<str> Fields
-FIELDNAMES:<str> Field Names
-FIELDTYPES:<str> Field Types
-SKIP_HEADER:<str> Skip first line
Default: 0
-FIELDSEP:<str> Field Separator
Available Choices:
[0] tabulator
[1] space
[2] comma
Default: 0