SAGA-GIS Module Library Documentation (v2.3.0)

Module Fast Representativeness


InputInputGrid (input)INPUTInput for module calculations.-
OutputOutputGrid (output)RESULTOutput of module calculations.-
Output LodGrid (output)RESULT_LODOutput of module calculations.-
Output SeedsGrid (output)SEEDSOutput of module calculations.-
OptionsGrid systemGrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEMGrid system-
Level of GeneralisationFloating pointLOD-Default: 16.000000


Usage: saga_cmd statistics_grid 0 [-INPUT <str>] [-RESULT <str>] [-RESULT_LOD <str>] [-SEEDS <str>] [-LOD <double>]
  -INPUT:<str>     	Input
	Grid (input)
  -RESULT:<str>    	Output
	Grid (output)
  -RESULT_LOD:<str>	Output Lod
	Grid (output)
  -SEEDS:<str>     	Output Seeds
	Grid (output)
  -LOD:<double>    	Level of Generalisation
	Floating point
	Default: 16.000000