SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v4.1.0)

Tool Soil Texture Classification

Derive soil texture classes from sand, silt and clay contents. Currently supported schemes are USDA and German Kartieranleitung 5.



InputSand (*)Grid (optional input)SANDsand content given as percentage-
Silt (*)Grid (optional input)SILTsilt content given as percentage-
Clay (*)Grid (optional input)CLAYclay content given as percentage-
OutputSoil TextureGrid (output)TEXTUREsoil texture-
Sum (*)Grid (optional output)SUMSum of percentages-
Scheme as Polygons (*)Shapes (optional output)POLYGONS--
OptionsGrid systemGrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
ClassificationChoiceSCHEME-Available Choices:
[0] USDA
[1] Germany KA5
[2] Belgium/France
[3] user defined
Default: 0
Default Colour SchemeChoiceCOLORS-Available Choices:
[0] Scheme 1
[1] Scheme 2
[2] Scheme 3
Default: 0
X/Y AxesChoiceXY_AXES-Available Choices:
[0] Sand and Clay
[1] Sand and Silt
[2] Silt and Sand
[3] Silt and Clay
[4] Clay and Sand
[5] Clay and Silt
Default: 3
TriangleChoiceTRIANGLE-Available Choices:
[0] right-angled
[1] isosceles
Default: 1
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 14 [-SAND <str>] [-SILT <str>] [-CLAY <str>] [-TEXTURE <str>] [-SUM <str>] [-SCHEME <str>] [-COLORS <str>] [-USER <str>] [-POLYGONS <str>] [-XY_AXES <str>] [-TRIANGLE <str>]
  -SAND:<str>    	Sand
	Grid (optional input)
  -SILT:<str>    	Silt
	Grid (optional input)
  -CLAY:<str>    	Clay
	Grid (optional input)
  -TEXTURE:<str> 	Soil Texture
	Grid (output)
  -SUM:<str>     	Sum
	Grid (optional output)
  -SCHEME:<str>  	Classification
	Available Choices:
	[0] USDA
	[1] Germany KA5
	[2] Belgium/France
	[3] user defined
	Default: 0
  -COLORS:<str>  	Default Colour Scheme
	Available Choices:
	[0] Scheme 1
	[1] Scheme 2
	[2] Scheme 3
	Default: 0
  -USER:<str>    	User Definition
	Static table
	4 Fields:
	- 1. [string] COLOR
	- 2. [string] KEY
	- 3. [string] NAME
	- 4. [string] POLYGON
  -POLYGONS:<str>	Scheme as Polygons
	Shapes (optional output)
  -XY_AXES:<str> 	X/Y Axes
	Available Choices:
	[0] Sand and Clay
	[1] Sand and Silt
	[2] Silt and Sand
	[3] Silt and Clay
	[4] Clay and Sand
	[5] Clay and Silt
	Default: 3
  -TRIANGLE:<str>	Triangle
	Available Choices:
	[0] right-angled
	[1] isosceles
	Default: 1