SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v4.1.0)

Tool Reclassify Grid Values

The tool can be used to reclassify the values of a grid. It provides three different options:
(a) reclassification of single values
(b) reclassification of a range of values
(c) reclassification of value ranges specified in a lookup table

In addition to these methods, two special cases (NoData values and values not included in the reclassification setup) are supported.
With reclassification mode (a) and (b), the 'NoData option' is evaluated before the 'Method' settings. In reclassification mode (c) the option is evaluated only if the NoData value is not included in the lookup table.
The 'other values' option is always evaluated after checking the 'Method' settings.

The tool allows one to define the NoData value of the output grid (header): by default, the output grid gets assigned the NoData value of the input grid. But it is also possible to assign a user defined NoData value.


InputGridGrid (input)INPUTGrid to reclassify-
Lookup Table (*)Table (optional input)RETAB_2Lookup table used in method "user supplied table"-
OutputReclassified GridGrid (output)RESULTReclassified grid.-
OptionsGrid systemGrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
MethodChoiceMETHODSelect the desired method: 1. a single value or a range defined by a single value is reclassified, 2. a range of values is reclassified, 3. the lookup table is used to reclassify the grid.Available Choices:
[0] single
[1] range
[2] simple table
[3] user supplied table
Default: 0
old valueFloating pointOLDValue to reclassify.Default: 0.000000
new valueFloating pointNEWNew value.Default: 1.000000
operatorChoiceSOPERATORSelect the desired operator (<;.;=; >;.); it is possible to define a range above or below the old value.Available Choices:
[0] =
[1] <
[2] <=
[3] >=
[4] >
Default: 0
minimum valueFloating pointMINMinimum value of the range to be reclassified.Default: 0.000000
maximum valueFloating pointMAXMaximum value of the range to be reclassified.Default: 10.000000
new valueFloating pointRNEWnew valueDefault: 5.000000
operatorChoiceROPERATORSelect operator: eg. min < value < max.Available Choices:
[0] <=
[1] <
Default: 0
operatorChoiceTOPERATORSelect the desired operator (min < value < max; min . value < max; min .value . max; min < value . max).Available Choices:
[0] min <= value < max
[1] min <= value <= max
[2] min < value <= max
[3] min < value < max
Default: 0
minimum valueTable fieldF_MIN--
maximum valueTable fieldF_MAX--
new valueTable fieldF_CODE--
no data valuesBooleanNODATAOPTUse this option to reclassify No-Data values independently of the method settings.Default: 0
new valueFloating pointNODATAnew valueDefault: 0.000000
other valuesBooleanOTHEROPTUse this option to reclassify all other values that are not specified in the options above.Default: 0
new valueFloating pointOTHERSnew valueDefault: 0.000000
Assign ...ChoiceRESULT_NODATA_CHOICEChoose how to handle the NoData value of the output grid.Available Choices:
[0] NoData value of input grid
[1] user defined NoData value
Default: 0
NoData ValueFloating pointRESULT_NODATA_VALUEUser defined NoData value for output grid.Default: -99999.000000
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 15 [-INPUT <str>] [-RESULT <str>] [-METHOD <str>] [-OLD <double>] [-NEW <double>] [-SOPERATOR <str>] [-MIN <double>] [-MAX <double>] [-RNEW <double>] [-ROPERATOR <str>] [-RETAB <str>] [-TOPERATOR <str>] [-RETAB_2 <str>] [-F_MIN <str>] [-F_MAX <str>] [-F_CODE <str>] [-NODATAOPT <str>] [-NODATA <double>] [-OTHEROPT <str>] [-OTHERS <double>] [-RESULT_NODATA_CHOICE <str>] [-RESULT_NODATA_VALUE <double>]
  -INPUT:<str>                 	Grid
	Grid (input)
  -RESULT:<str>                	Reclassified Grid
	Grid (output)
  -METHOD:<str>                	Method
	Available Choices:
	[0] single
	[1] range
	[2] simple table
	[3] user supplied table
	Default: 0
  -OLD:<double>                	old value
	Floating point
	Default: 0.000000
  -NEW:<double>                	new value
	Floating point
	Default: 1.000000
  -SOPERATOR:<str>             	operator
	Available Choices:
	[0] =
	[1] <
	[2] <=
	[3] >=
	[4] >
	Default: 0
  -MIN:<double>                	minimum value
	Floating point
	Default: 0.000000
  -MAX:<double>                	maximum value
	Floating point
	Default: 10.000000
  -RNEW:<double>               	new value
	Floating point
	Default: 5.000000
  -ROPERATOR:<str>             	operator
	Available Choices:
	[0] <=
	[1] <
	Default: 0
  -RETAB:<str>                 	Lookup Table
	Static table
	3 Fields:
	- 1. [8 byte floating point number] minimum
	- 2. [8 byte floating point number] maximum
	- 3. [8 byte floating point number] new
  -TOPERATOR:<str>             	operator
	Available Choices:
	[0] min <= value < max
	[1] min <= value <= max
	[2] min < value <= max
	[3] min < value < max
	Default: 0
  -RETAB_2:<str>               	Lookup Table
	Table (optional input)
  -F_MIN:<str>                 	minimum value
	Table field
  -F_MAX:<str>                 	maximum value
	Table field
  -F_CODE:<str>                	new value
	Table field
  -NODATAOPT:<str>             	no data values
	Default: 0
  -NODATA:<double>             	new value
	Floating point
	Default: 0.000000
  -OTHEROPT:<str>              	other values
	Default: 0
  -OTHERS:<double>             	new value
	Floating point
	Default: 0.000000
  -RESULT_NODATA_CHOICE:<str>  	Assign ...
	Available Choices:
	[0] NoData value of input grid
	[1] user defined NoData value
	Default: 0
  -RESULT_NODATA_VALUE:<double>	NoData Value
	Floating point
	Default: -99999.000000