SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v4.1.0)

Tool Seed Generation


InputFeaturesGrid list (input)FEATURES--
OutputVarianceGrid (output)VARIANCE--
Seeds Grid (*)Grid (optional output)SEED_GRID--
Seed Points (*)Shapes (optional output)SEED_POINTS--
OptionsGrid systemGrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Seed TypeChoiceSEED_TYPE-Available Choices:
[0] minima of variance
[1] maxima of variance
Default: 0
MethodChoiceMETHOD-Available Choices:
[0] band width smoothing
[1] band width search
Default: 0
Bandwidth (Cells)Floating pointBAND_WIDTH-Minimum: 1.000000
Default: 10.000000
Normalize FeaturesBooleanNORMALIZE-Default: 0
Weighting FunctionChoiceDW_WEIGHTING-Available Choices:
[0] no distance weighting
[1] inverse distance to a power
[2] exponential
[3] gaussian weighting
Default: 3
Inverse Distance Weighting PowerFloating pointDW_IDW_POWER-Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 1.000000
Inverse Distance OffsetBooleanDW_IDW_OFFSETCalculates weights for distance plus one, avoiding division by zero for zero distancesDefault: 1
Gaussian and Exponential Weighting BandwidthFloating pointDW_BANDWIDTH-Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 5.000000
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd imagery_segmentation 2 [-FEATURES <str>] [-VARIANCE <str>] [-SEED_GRID <str>] [-SEED_POINTS <str>] [-SEED_TYPE <str>] [-METHOD <str>] [-BAND_WIDTH <double>] [-NORMALIZE <str>] [-DW_WEIGHTING <str>] [-DW_IDW_POWER <double>] [-DW_IDW_OFFSET <str>] [-DW_BANDWIDTH <double>]
  -FEATURES:<str>       	Features
	Grid list (input)
  -VARIANCE:<str>       	Variance
	Grid (output)
  -SEED_GRID:<str>      	Seeds Grid
	Grid (optional output)
  -SEED_POINTS:<str>    	Seed Points
	Shapes (optional output)
  -SEED_TYPE:<str>      	Seed Type
	Available Choices:
	[0] minima of variance
	[1] maxima of variance
	Default: 0
  -METHOD:<str>         	Method
	Available Choices:
	[0] band width smoothing
	[1] band width search
	Default: 0
  -BAND_WIDTH:<double>  	Bandwidth (Cells)
	Floating point
	Minimum: 1.000000
	Default: 10.000000
  -NORMALIZE:<str>      	Normalize Features
	Default: 0
  -DW_WEIGHTING:<str>   	Weighting Function
	Available Choices:
	[0] no distance weighting
	[1] inverse distance to a power
	[2] exponential
	[3] gaussian weighting
	Default: 3
  -DW_IDW_POWER:<double>	Inverse Distance Weighting Power
	Floating point
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 1.000000
  -DW_IDW_OFFSET:<str>  	Inverse Distance Offset
	Default: 1
  -DW_BANDWIDTH:<double>	Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth
	Floating point
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 5.000000