SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v4.1.0)

Tool Top of Atmosphere Reflectance

Calculation of top-of-atmosphere radiance or reflectance and temperature (TOAR) for Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+. This tool incorporates E.J. Tizado's GRASS GIS implementation (i.landsat.toar).

Landsat 7 Science Data Users Handbook


InputDN Band 1 (*)Grid (optional input)DN_MSS01--
DN Band 2 (*)Grid (optional input)DN_MSS02--
DN Band 3 (*)Grid (optional input)DN_MSS03--
DN Band 4 (*)Grid (optional input)DN_MSS04--
DN Band 1 (*)Grid (optional input)DN_ETM01--
DN Band 2 (*)Grid (optional input)DN_ETM02--
DN Band 3 (*)Grid (optional input)DN_ETM03--
DN Band 4 (*)Grid (optional input)DN_ETM04--
DN Band 5 (*)Grid (optional input)DN_ETM05--
DN Band 7 (*)Grid (optional input)DN_ETM07--
DN Band 1 (*)Grid (optional input)DN_OLI01--
DN Band 2 (*)Grid (optional input)DN_OLI02--
DN Band 3 (*)Grid (optional input)DN_OLI03--
DN Band 4 (*)Grid (optional input)DN_OLI04--
DN Band 5 (*)Grid (optional input)DN_OLI05--
DN Band 6 (*)Grid (optional input)DN_OLI06--
DN Band 7 (*)Grid (optional input)DN_OLI07--
DN Band 9 (*)Grid (optional input)DN_OLI09--
DN Band 6 (*)Grid (optional input)DN__TM06--
DN Band 61 (*)Grid (optional input)DN_ETM61--
DN Band 62 (*)Grid (optional input)DN_ETM62--
DN Band 10 (*)Grid (optional input)DN_OLI10--
DN Band 11 (*)Grid (optional input)DN_OLI11--
DN Band 8 (*)Grid (optional input)DN_PAN08--
OutputReflectance Band 1Grid (output)RF_MSS01--
Reflectance Band 2Grid (output)RF_MSS02--
Reflectance Band 3Grid (output)RF_MSS03--
Reflectance Band 4Grid (output)RF_MSS04--
Reflectance Band 1Grid (output)RF_ETM01--
Reflectance Band 2Grid (output)RF_ETM02--
Reflectance Band 3Grid (output)RF_ETM03--
Reflectance Band 4Grid (output)RF_ETM04--
Reflectance Band 5Grid (output)RF_ETM05--
Reflectance Band 7Grid (output)RF_ETM07--
Reflectance Band 1Grid (output)RF_OLI01--
Reflectance Band 2Grid (output)RF_OLI02--
Reflectance Band 3Grid (output)RF_OLI03--
Reflectance Band 4Grid (output)RF_OLI04--
Reflectance Band 5Grid (output)RF_OLI05--
Reflectance Band 6Grid (output)RF_OLI06--
Reflectance Band 7Grid (output)RF_OLI07--
Reflectance Band 9Grid (output)RF_OLI09--
Reflectance Band 6Grid (output)RF__TM06--
Reflectance Band 61Grid (output)RF_ETM61--
Reflectance Band 62Grid (output)RF_ETM62--
Reflectance Band 10Grid (output)RF_OLI10--
Reflectance Band 11Grid (output)RF_OLI11--
Reflectance Band 8Grid (output)RF_PAN08--
OptionsSpectralGrid systemGS_MSS_SPECTRAL--
SpectralGrid systemGS_ETM_SPECTRAL--
SpectralGrid systemGS_OLI_SPECTRAL--
ThermalGrid systemGS__TM_THERMAL--
ThermalGrid systemGS_ETM_THERMAL--
ThermalGrid systemGS_OLI_THERMAL--
PanchromaticGrid systemGS_PAN--
Metadata FileFile pathMETAFILEName of Landsat metadata file (.met or MTL.txt)-
Spacecraft SensorChoiceSENSOR-Available Choices:
[0] Landsat-1 MSS
[1] Landsat-2 MSS
[2] Landsat-3 MSS
[3] Landsat-4 MSS
[4] Landsat-5 MSS
[5] Landsat-4 TM
[6] Landsat-5 TM
[7] Landsat-7 ETM+
[8] Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS
Default: 7
Image Acquisition DateTextDATE_ACQUImage acquisition date (yyyy-mm-dd)Default: 2001-01-01
Image Creation DateTextDATE_PRODImage creation date (yyyy-mm-dd)Default: 2001-01-01
Suns's HeightFloating pointSUN_HGTSun's height above horizon in degreeMinimum: 0.000000
Maximum: 90.000000
Default: 45.000000
At-Sensor RadianceBooleanAS_RADOutput at-sensor radiance for all bandsDefault: 0
Atmospheric CorrectionChoiceAC_METHOD-Available Choices:
[0] uncorrected
[1] corrected
[2] dark object subtraction 1
[3] dark object subtraction 2
[4] dark object subtraction 2b
[5] dark object subtraction 3
[6] dark object subtraction 4
Default: 0
Minimum Number of Dark Object CellsIntegerAC_DO_CELLSMinimum pixels to consider digital number as dark objectMinimum: 0
Default: 1000
Rayleigh ScatteringFloating pointAC_RAYLEIGHRayleigh atmosphere (diffuse sky irradiance)Default: 0.000000
Solar RadianceFloating pointAC_SUN_RADPercent of solar radiance in path radianceMinimum: 0.000000
Maximum: 100.000000
Default: 1.000000
Band 1ChoiceETM_GAIN_10-Available Choices:
[0] low
[1] high
Default: 1
Band 2ChoiceETM_GAIN_20-Available Choices:
[0] low
[1] high
Default: 1
Band 3ChoiceETM_GAIN_30-Available Choices:
[0] low
[1] high
Default: 1
Band 4ChoiceETM_GAIN_40-Available Choices:
[0] low
[1] high
Default: 1
Band 5ChoiceETM_GAIN_50-Available Choices:
[0] low
[1] high
Default: 1
Band 61ChoiceETM_GAIN_61-Available Choices:
[0] low
[1] high
Default: 0
Band 62ChoiceETM_GAIN_62-Available Choices:
[0] low
[1] high
Default: 1
Band 7ChoiceETM_GAIN_70-Available Choices:
[0] low
[1] high
Default: 1
Band 8ChoiceETM_GAIN_80-Available Choices:
[0] low
[1] high
Default: 0
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 8 [-DN_MSS01 <str>] [-DN_MSS02 <str>] [-DN_MSS03 <str>] [-DN_MSS04 <str>] [-RF_MSS01 <str>] [-RF_MSS02 <str>] [-RF_MSS03 <str>] [-RF_MSS04 <str>] [-DN_ETM01 <str>] [-DN_ETM02 <str>] [-DN_ETM03 <str>] [-DN_ETM04 <str>] [-DN_ETM05 <str>] [-DN_ETM07 <str>] [-RF_ETM01 <str>] [-RF_ETM02 <str>] [-RF_ETM03 <str>] [-RF_ETM04 <str>] [-RF_ETM05 <str>] [-RF_ETM07 <str>] [-DN_OLI01 <str>] [-DN_OLI02 <str>] [-DN_OLI03 <str>] [-DN_OLI04 <str>] [-DN_OLI05 <str>] [-DN_OLI06 <str>] [-DN_OLI07 <str>] [-DN_OLI09 <str>] [-RF_OLI01 <str>] [-RF_OLI02 <str>] [-RF_OLI03 <str>] [-RF_OLI04 <str>] [-RF_OLI05 <str>] [-RF_OLI06 <str>] [-RF_OLI07 <str>] [-RF_OLI09 <str>] [-DN__TM06 <str>] [-RF__TM06 <str>] [-DN_ETM61 <str>] [-DN_ETM62 <str>] [-RF_ETM61 <str>] [-RF_ETM62 <str>] [-DN_OLI10 <str>] [-DN_OLI11 <str>] [-RF_OLI10 <str>] [-RF_OLI11 <str>] [-DN_PAN08 <str>] [-RF_PAN08 <str>] [-METAFILE <str>] [-SENSOR <str>] [-DATE_ACQU <str>] [-DATE_PROD <str>] [-SUN_HGT <double>] [-AS_RAD <str>] [-AC_METHOD <str>] [-AC_DO_CELLS <num>] [-AC_RAYLEIGH <double>] [-AC_SUN_RAD <double>] [-ETM_GAIN_10 <str>] [-ETM_GAIN_20 <str>] [-ETM_GAIN_30 <str>] [-ETM_GAIN_40 <str>] [-ETM_GAIN_50 <str>] [-ETM_GAIN_61 <str>] [-ETM_GAIN_62 <str>] [-ETM_GAIN_70 <str>] [-ETM_GAIN_80 <str>]
  -DN_MSS01:<str>      	DN Band 1
	Grid (optional input)
  -DN_MSS02:<str>      	DN Band 2
	Grid (optional input)
  -DN_MSS03:<str>      	DN Band 3
	Grid (optional input)
  -DN_MSS04:<str>      	DN Band 4
	Grid (optional input)
  -RF_MSS01:<str>      	Reflectance Band 1
	Grid (output)
  -RF_MSS02:<str>      	Reflectance Band 2
	Grid (output)
  -RF_MSS03:<str>      	Reflectance Band 3
	Grid (output)
  -RF_MSS04:<str>      	Reflectance Band 4
	Grid (output)
  -DN_ETM01:<str>      	DN Band 1
	Grid (optional input)
  -DN_ETM02:<str>      	DN Band 2
	Grid (optional input)
  -DN_ETM03:<str>      	DN Band 3
	Grid (optional input)
  -DN_ETM04:<str>      	DN Band 4
	Grid (optional input)
  -DN_ETM05:<str>      	DN Band 5
	Grid (optional input)
  -DN_ETM07:<str>      	DN Band 7
	Grid (optional input)
  -RF_ETM01:<str>      	Reflectance Band 1
	Grid (output)
  -RF_ETM02:<str>      	Reflectance Band 2
	Grid (output)
  -RF_ETM03:<str>      	Reflectance Band 3
	Grid (output)
  -RF_ETM04:<str>      	Reflectance Band 4
	Grid (output)
  -RF_ETM05:<str>      	Reflectance Band 5
	Grid (output)
  -RF_ETM07:<str>      	Reflectance Band 7
	Grid (output)
  -DN_OLI01:<str>      	DN Band 1
	Grid (optional input)
  -DN_OLI02:<str>      	DN Band 2
	Grid (optional input)
  -DN_OLI03:<str>      	DN Band 3
	Grid (optional input)
  -DN_OLI04:<str>      	DN Band 4
	Grid (optional input)
  -DN_OLI05:<str>      	DN Band 5
	Grid (optional input)
  -DN_OLI06:<str>      	DN Band 6
	Grid (optional input)
  -DN_OLI07:<str>      	DN Band 7
	Grid (optional input)
  -DN_OLI09:<str>      	DN Band 9
	Grid (optional input)
  -RF_OLI01:<str>      	Reflectance Band 1
	Grid (output)
  -RF_OLI02:<str>      	Reflectance Band 2
	Grid (output)
  -RF_OLI03:<str>      	Reflectance Band 3
	Grid (output)
  -RF_OLI04:<str>      	Reflectance Band 4
	Grid (output)
  -RF_OLI05:<str>      	Reflectance Band 5
	Grid (output)
  -RF_OLI06:<str>      	Reflectance Band 6
	Grid (output)
  -RF_OLI07:<str>      	Reflectance Band 7
	Grid (output)
  -RF_OLI09:<str>      	Reflectance Band 9
	Grid (output)
  -DN__TM06:<str>      	DN Band 6
	Grid (optional input)
  -RF__TM06:<str>      	Reflectance Band 6
	Grid (output)
  -DN_ETM61:<str>      	DN Band 61
	Grid (optional input)
  -DN_ETM62:<str>      	DN Band 62
	Grid (optional input)
  -RF_ETM61:<str>      	Reflectance Band 61
	Grid (output)
  -RF_ETM62:<str>      	Reflectance Band 62
	Grid (output)
  -DN_OLI10:<str>      	DN Band 10
	Grid (optional input)
  -DN_OLI11:<str>      	DN Band 11
	Grid (optional input)
  -RF_OLI10:<str>      	Reflectance Band 10
	Grid (output)
  -RF_OLI11:<str>      	Reflectance Band 11
	Grid (output)
  -DN_PAN08:<str>      	DN Band 8
	Grid (optional input)
  -RF_PAN08:<str>      	Reflectance Band 8
	Grid (output)
  -METAFILE:<str>      	Metadata File
	File path
  -SENSOR:<str>        	Spacecraft Sensor
	Available Choices:
	[0] Landsat-1 MSS
	[1] Landsat-2 MSS
	[2] Landsat-3 MSS
	[3] Landsat-4 MSS
	[4] Landsat-5 MSS
	[5] Landsat-4 TM
	[6] Landsat-5 TM
	[7] Landsat-7 ETM+
	[8] Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS
	Default: 7
  -DATE_ACQU:<str>     	Image Acquisition Date
	Default: 2001-01-01
  -DATE_PROD:<str>     	Image Creation Date
	Default: 2001-01-01
  -SUN_HGT:<double>    	Suns's Height
	Floating point
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Maximum: 90.000000
	Default: 45.000000
  -AS_RAD:<str>        	At-Sensor Radiance
	Default: 0
  -AC_METHOD:<str>     	Atmospheric Correction
	Available Choices:
	[0] uncorrected
	[1] corrected
	[2] dark object subtraction 1
	[3] dark object subtraction 2
	[4] dark object subtraction 2b
	[5] dark object subtraction 3
	[6] dark object subtraction 4
	Default: 0
  -AC_DO_CELLS:<num>   	Minimum Number of Dark Object Cells
	Minimum: 0
	Default: 1000
  -AC_RAYLEIGH:<double>	Rayleigh Scattering
	Floating point
	Default: 0.000000
  -AC_SUN_RAD:<double> 	Solar Radiance
	Floating point
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Maximum: 100.000000
	Default: 1.000000
  -ETM_GAIN_10:<str>   	Band 1
	Available Choices:
	[0] low
	[1] high
	Default: 1
  -ETM_GAIN_20:<str>   	Band 2
	Available Choices:
	[0] low
	[1] high
	Default: 1
  -ETM_GAIN_30:<str>   	Band 3
	Available Choices:
	[0] low
	[1] high
	Default: 1
  -ETM_GAIN_40:<str>   	Band 4
	Available Choices:
	[0] low
	[1] high
	Default: 1
  -ETM_GAIN_50:<str>   	Band 5
	Available Choices:
	[0] low
	[1] high
	Default: 1
  -ETM_GAIN_61:<str>   	Band 61
	Available Choices:
	[0] low
	[1] high
	Default: 0
  -ETM_GAIN_62:<str>   	Band 62
	Available Choices:
	[0] low
	[1] high
	Default: 1
  -ETM_GAIN_70:<str>   	Band 7
	Available Choices:
	[0] low
	[1] high
	Default: 1
  -ETM_GAIN_80:<str>   	Band 8
	Available Choices:
	[0] low
	[1] high
	Default: 0