SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v4.1.0)

Tool Export GeoTIFF

The "GDAL GeoTIFF Export" tool exports one or more grids to a Geocoded Tagged Image File Format using the "Geospatial Data Abstraction Library" (GDAL) by Frank Warmerdam. For more information have a look at the GDAL homepage:


InputGrid(s)Grid list (input)GRIDSThe SAGA grids to be exported.-
OptionsGrid systemGrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
FileFile pathFILEThe GeoTIFF File to be created.-
Creation OptionsTextOPTIONSA space separated list of key-value pairs (K=V).-


Usage: saga_cmd io_gdal 2 [-GRIDS <str>] [-FILE <str>] [-OPTIONS <str>]
  -GRIDS:<str>  	Grid(s)
	Grid list (input)
  -FILE:<str>   	File
	File path
  -OPTIONS:<str>	Creation Options