SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v4.1.0)

Tool Geographic Distances (Pair of Coordinates)

Calculates for all segments of the input lines the planar, great elliptic, and loxodrome distance and re-projects the latter two to the projection of the input lines.


OutputGeographic DistancesShapes (output)DISTANCES--
OptionsGet CRS Definition from...ChoiceCRS_METHOD-Available Choices:
[0] Proj4 Parameters
[1] EPSG Code
[2] Well Known Text File
Default: 0
Proj4 ParametersLong textCRS_PROJ4--
Well Known Text FileFile pathCRS_FILE--
Authority CodeIntegerCRS_EPSG-Default: -1
AuthorityTextCRS_EPSG_AUTH-Default: EPSG
Precise Datum ConversionBooleanPRECISEavoids precision problems when source and target crs use different geodedtic datums.Default: 0
XFloating pointCOORD_X1-Default: 10.000000
YFloating pointCOORD_Y1-Default: 53.500000
XFloating pointCOORD_X2-Default: 116.500000
YFloating pointCOORD_Y2-Default: 6.400000
EpsilonFloating pointEPSILONdefines the maximum resolution [km] for the re-projected distance segmentsMinimum: 1.000000
Default: 100.000000


Usage: saga_cmd pj_proj4 21 [-CRS_METHOD <str>] [-CRS_PROJ4 <str>] [-CRS_FILE <str>] [-CRS_EPSG <num>] [-CRS_EPSG_AUTH <str>] [-PRECISE <str>] [-DISTANCES <str>] [-COORD_X1 <double>] [-COORD_Y1 <double>] [-COORD_X2 <double>] [-COORD_Y2 <double>] [-EPSILON <double>]
  -CRS_METHOD:<str>   	Get CRS Definition from...
	Available Choices:
	[0] Proj4 Parameters
	[1] EPSG Code
	[2] Well Known Text File
	Default: 0
  -CRS_PROJ4:<str>    	Proj4 Parameters
	Long text
  -CRS_FILE:<str>     	Well Known Text File
	File path
  -CRS_EPSG:<num>     	Authority Code
	Default: -1
  -CRS_EPSG_AUTH:<str>	Authority
	Default: EPSG
  -PRECISE:<str>      	Precise Datum Conversion
	Default: 0
  -DISTANCES:<str>    	Geographic Distances
	Shapes (output)
  -COORD_X1:<double>  	X
	Floating point
	Default: 10.000000
  -COORD_Y1:<double>  	Y
	Floating point
	Default: 53.500000
  -COORD_X2:<double>  	X
	Floating point
	Default: 116.500000
  -COORD_Y2:<double>  	Y
	Floating point
	Default: 6.400000
  -EPSILON:<double>   	Epsilon
	Floating point
	Minimum: 1.000000
	Default: 100.000000