SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v4.1.0)

Tool Line Dissolve

Dissolves line shapes, which share the same attribute value(s).


InputLinesShapes (input)LINES--
OutputDissolved LinesShapes (output)DISSOLVED--
Options1. AttributeTable fieldFIELD_1--
2. Attribute (*)Table fieldFIELD_2--
3. Attribute (*)Table fieldFIELD_3--
Dissolve...ChoiceALL-Available Choices:
[0] lines with same attribute value(s)
[1] all lines
Default: 0
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd shapes_lines 5 [-LINES <str>] [-FIELD_1 <str>] [-FIELD_2 <str>] [-FIELD_3 <str>] [-DISSOLVED <str>] [-ALL <str>]
  -LINES:<str>    	Lines
	Shapes (input)
  -FIELD_1:<str>  	1. Attribute
	Table field
  -FIELD_2:<str>  	2. Attribute
	Table field
  -FIELD_3:<str>  	3. Attribute
	Table field
  -DISSOLVED:<str>	Dissolved Lines
	Shapes (output)
  -ALL:<str>      	Dissolve...
	Available Choices:
	[0] lines with same attribute value(s)
	[1] all lines
	Default: 0