SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v4.1.0)

Tool Wind Effect (Windward / Leeward Index)


InputElevationGrid (input)DEM--
Wind Direction (*)Grid (optional input)DIRDirection into which the wind blows, starting with 0 for North and increasing clockwise.-
Wind Speed (*)Grid (optional input)LEN--
OutputWind EffectGrid (output)EFFECT--
Effective Air Flow Heights (*)Grid (optional output)AFH--
OptionsGrid systemGrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Wind Direction UnitsChoiceDIR_UNITS-Available Choices:
[0] radians
[1] degree
Default: 0
ScalingFloating pointLEN_SCALE-Default: 1.000000
Search Distance [km]Floating pointMAXDIST-Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 300.000000
Constant Wind DirectionFloating pointDIR_CONSTconstant direction into the wind blows, given as degreeDefault: 135.000000
Old VersionBooleanOLDVERuse old version for constant wind direction (no acceleration and averaging option)Default: 0
AccelerationFloating pointACCEL-Minimum: 1.000000
Default: 1.500000
Elevation AveragingBooleanPYRAMIDSuse more averaged elevations when looking at increasing distancesDefault: 0
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 15 [-DEM <str>] [-DIR <str>] [-DIR_UNITS <str>] [-LEN <str>] [-LEN_SCALE <double>] [-EFFECT <str>] [-AFH <str>] [-MAXDIST <double>] [-DIR_CONST <double>] [-OLDVER <str>] [-ACCEL <double>] [-PYRAMIDS <str>]
  -DEM:<str>         	Elevation
	Grid (input)
  -DIR:<str>         	Wind Direction
	Grid (optional input)
  -DIR_UNITS:<str>   	Wind Direction Units
	Available Choices:
	[0] radians
	[1] degree
	Default: 0
  -LEN:<str>         	Wind Speed
	Grid (optional input)
  -LEN_SCALE:<double>	Scaling
	Floating point
	Default: 1.000000
  -EFFECT:<str>      	Wind Effect
	Grid (output)
  -AFH:<str>         	Effective Air Flow Heights
	Grid (optional output)
  -MAXDIST:<double>  	Search Distance [km]
	Floating point
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 300.000000
  -DIR_CONST:<double>	Constant Wind Direction
	Floating point
	Default: 135.000000
  -OLDVER:<str>      	Old Version
	Default: 0
  -ACCEL:<double>    	Acceleration
	Floating point
	Minimum: 1.000000
	Default: 1.500000
  -PYRAMIDS:<str>    	Elevation Averaging
	Default: 0