Calculates the thermal belts based on mean temperature and length of the growing season.
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Growing Season Length | Grid (input) | GSL | Growing season length given as number of days of a year. | - |
Mean Temperature | Grid (input) | GST | Mean temperature of the growing season. | - |
Frost occurence | Grid (input) | FROST | Frost occurence as binary factor. | - |
Output | Thermal Belts | Grid (output) | ATB | - | - |
Options | Grid System | Grid system | PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM | - | - |
Minimum Temperature Nival | Floating point | NIVAL_TEMP | Minimum Temperature for nival belt. | Default: 3.500000 |
Minimum Temperature Treeline | Floating point | TREE_TEMP | Minimum Temperature for treeline. | Default: 6.400000 |