Tool Change Grid Values - Flood Fill (interactive)
Interactively use the flood fill method for replacement of grid cell values starting at the positions clicked with the left mouse button. If the target grid is not set, the changes will be applied to the original grid.
- Author: A.Ringeler (c) 2005, O.Conrad (c) 2006
- Menu: Grid|Values
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Grid | Grid (input) | GRID | - | - |
Output | Changed Grid (*) | Grid (optional output) | GRID_OUT | - | - |
Options | Grid System | Grid system | PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM | - | - |
Value to be replaced | Choice | REPLACE | - | Available Choices: [0] value at mouse position [1] fixed value Default: 0 |
Fixed value to be replaced | Floating point | REPLACE_VALUE | Replace only this value with respect to the specified tolerance. | Default: 0.000000 |
Tolerance | Floating point | TOLERANCE | - | Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 |
Ignore No-Data | Boolean | IGNORE_NODATA | Do not fill areas representing no-data. | Default: 1 |
Fill with No-Data | Boolean | FILL_NODATA | - | Default: 0 |
Fill Value | Floating point | FILL_VALUE | - | Default: 0.000000 |
(*) optional |
this interactive tool can not be executed.