| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Grid | Grid (input) | GRID | - | - |
Output | Tiles | Grid list (output) | TILES | - | - |
Options | Grid System | Grid system | PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM | - | - |
Save Tiles to Disk | Boolean | TILES_SAVE | Save tiles to disk individually | Default: 0 |
Output Directory | File path | TILES_PATH | - | - |
Base Name | Text | TILES_NAME | The base name of the tiles | Default: tile |
Overlapping Cells | Integer | OVERLAP | - | Minimum: 0 Default: 0 |
Add Cells | Choice | OVERLAP_SYM | - | Available Choices: [0] symmetric [1] bottom / left [2] top / right Default: 0 |
Tile Size Definition | Choice | METHOD | - | Available Choices: [0] number of grid cells per tile [1] coordinates (offset, range, cell size, tile size) Default: 0 |
Number of Column Cells | Integer | NX | - | Minimum: 1 Default: 100 |
Number of Row Cells | Integer | NY | - | Minimum: 1 Default: 100 |
Offset and Range (X) | Value range | XRANGE | - | - |
Offset and Range (Y) | Value range | YRANGE | - | - |
Cell Size | Floating point | DCELL | - | Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 |
Tile Size (X) | Floating point | DX | - | Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 |
Tile Size (Y) | Floating point | DY | - | Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 |