The "GDAL Raster Export" tool exports one or more grids to various file formats using the "Geospatial Data Abstraction Library" (GDAL) by Frank Warmerdam.
GDAL Version:3.0.0
Following raster formats are currently supported:
ID | Name | Extension |
VRT | Virtual Raster | vrt |
GTiff | GeoTIFF | tif |
NITF | National Imagery Transmission Format | ntf |
HFA | Erdas Imagine Images (.img) | img |
MEM | In Memory Raster | |
BMP | MS Windows Device Independent Bitmap | bmp |
PCIDSK | PCIDSK Database File | pix |
PCRaster | PCRaster Raster File | map |
ILWIS | ILWIS Raster Map | |
SGI | SGI Image File Format 1.0 | rgb |
Leveller | Leveller heightfield | ter |
Terragen | Terragen heightfield | ter |
ISIS3 | USGS Astrogeology ISIS cube (Version 3) | |
ISIS2 | USGS Astrogeology ISIS cube (Version 2) | |
PDS4 | NASA Planetary Data System 4 | xml |
ERS | ERMapper .ers Labelled | ers |
RMF | Raster Matrix Format | rsw |
RST | Idrisi Raster A.1 | rst |
INGR | Intergraph Raster | |
GSBG | Golden Software Binary Grid (.grd) | grd |
GS7BG | Golden Software 7 Binary Grid (.grd) | grd |
PDF | Geospatial PDF | pdf |
MBTiles | MBTiles | mbtiles |
MRF | Meta Raster Format | mrf |
PNM | Portable Pixmap Format (netpbm) | |
PAux | PCI .aux Labelled | |
MFF | Vexcel MFF Raster | hdr |
MFF2 | Vexcel MFF2 (HKV) Raster | |
BT | VTP .bt (Binary Terrain) 1.3 Format | bt |
LAN | Erdas .LAN/.GIS | |
IDA | Image Data and Analysis | |
GTX | NOAA Vertical Datum .GTX | gtx |
NTv2 | NTv2 Datum Grid Shift | gsb |
CTable2 | CTable2 Datum Grid Shift | |
KRO | KOLOR Raw | kro |
ROI_PAC | ROI_PAC raster | |
RRASTER | R Raster | grd |
BYN | Natural Resources Canada's Geoid | |
NWT_GRD | Northwood Numeric Grid Format .grd/.tab | grd |
ADRG | ARC Digitized Raster Graphics | gen |
SAGA | SAGA GIS Binary Grid (.sdat, .sg-grd-z) | |
DB2ODBC | IBM DB2 Spatial Database | |
GPKG | GeoPackage | gpkg |
NGW | NextGIS Web | |
ENVI | ENVI .hdr Labelled | |
EHdr | ESRI .hdr Labelled | bil |
ISCE | ISCE raster | |