CliffMetrics (Automatic Cliff Metrics delineation) delineates the location of the coastline, coastline normals, and cliff top and toe location along these normals.
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Elevation | Grid (input) | DEM | - | - |
Output | Sediment Top Elevation | Grid (output) | SEDIMENT_TOP | - | - |
Coastline (*) | Grid (optional output) | RASTER_COAST | - | - |
Normals (*) | Grid (optional output) | RASTER_NORMAL | - | - |
Coastline | Shapes (output) | COAST | - | - |
Coastline-Normal Profiles | Shapes (output) | NORMALS | - | - |
Cliff Top Points | Shapes (output) | CLIFF_TOP | - | - |
Cliff Toe Points | Shapes (output) | CLIFF_TOE | - | - |
Coast Points | Shapes (output) | COAST_POINT | - | - |
Invalid Coastline-Normal Profiles (*) | Shapes (optional output) | INVALID_NORMALS | - | - |
Coastline Curvature (*) | Shapes (optional output) | COAST_CURVATURE | - | - |
Profile Data | Table (output) | PROFILES | - | - |
Options | Grid System | Grid system | PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM | - | - |
Still Water Level | Floating point | StillWaterLevel | Still water level (m) used to extract the shoreline. | Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 |
Coastline Smoothing Algorithm | Choice | CoastSmooth | Vector coastline smoothing algorithm. | Available Choices: [0] none [1] running mean [2] Savitsky-Golay Default: 1 |
Coastline Smoothing Window Size | Integer | CoastSmoothWindow | Size of coastline smoothing window, resulting kernel size will be: 1 + 2 * size. | Minimum: 1 Default: 30 |
Polynomial Order for Savitsky-Golay | Integer | SavGolCoastPoly | Order of coastline profile smoothing polynomial for Savitsky-Golay smoothing: usually 2 or 4, max is 6. | Minimum: 1 Maximum: 6 Default: 4 |
Scale Raster Output Values | Boolean | ScaleRasterOutput | If needed, scale GIS raster output values. | Default: 1 |
Random Edge for Coastline Search | Boolean | RandomCoastEdgeSearch | Random edge for coastline search. | Default: 1 |
Length of Coastline Normals | Floating point | CoastNormalLength | Length of coastline normals (m). | Minimum: 0.010000 Default: 500.000000 |
Vertical Tolerance | Floating point | EleTolerance | Vertical tolerance to avoid false cliff tops and toes. | Minimum: 0.010000 Default: 0.500000 |
Main Output File Directory | File path | OutPath | - | - |
(*) optional |