SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v7.6.3)

Tool Multi Level to Surface Interpolation


InputVariableGrid list (input)VARIABLE--
Level Heights (*)Grid list (optional input)X_GRIDS--
Minimum Height (*)Grid (optional input)X_GRIDS_CHECKif set, only values with level heights above DEM will be used-
SurfaceGrid (input)SURFACE--
OutputInterpolationGrid (output)RESULT--
OptionsGrid SystemGrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Get Heights from ...ChoiceX_SOURCE-Available Choices:
[0] table
[1] grid list
Default: 1
Level HeightsStatic tableX_TABLE-1 Fields:
- 1. [8 byte floating point number] Height
Horizontal Interpolation MethodChoiceH_METHOD-Available Choices:
[0] Nearest Neighbour
[1] Bilinear Interpolation
[2] Bicubic Spline Interpolation
[3] B-Spline Interpolation
Default: 3
Vertical Interpolation MethodChoiceV_METHOD-Available Choices:
[0] linear
[1] spline
[2] polynomial trend
Default: 0
Coefficient InterpolationBooleanCOEFFICIENTS-Default: 0
Sorted LevelsBooleanLINEAR_SORTED-Default: 0
Pre-analyzeBooleanSPLINE_ALL-Default: 0
Polynomial OrderIntegerTREND_ORDER-Minimum: 1
Default: 3
Grid systemGrid systemSYSTEM--
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd climate_tools 0 [-VARIABLE <str>] [-X_SOURCE <str>] [-X_GRIDS <str>] [-X_GRIDS_CHECK <str>] [-X_TABLE <str>] [-H_METHOD <str>] [-V_METHOD <str>] [-COEFFICIENTS <str>] [-LINEAR_SORTED <str>] [-SPLINE_ALL <str>] [-TREND_ORDER <num>] [-SURFACE <str>] [-RESULT <str>]
  -VARIABLE:<str>     	Variable
	Grid list (input)
  -X_SOURCE:<str>     	Get Heights from ...
	Available Choices:
	[0] table
	[1] grid list
	Default: 1
  -X_GRIDS:<str>      	Level Heights
	Grid list (optional input)
  -X_GRIDS_CHECK:<str>	Minimum Height
	Grid (optional input)
  -X_TABLE:<str>      	Level Heights
	Static table
	1 Fields:
	- 1. [8 byte floating point number] Height
  -H_METHOD:<str>     	Horizontal Interpolation Method
	Available Choices:
	[0] Nearest Neighbour
	[1] Bilinear Interpolation
	[2] Bicubic Spline Interpolation
	[3] B-Spline Interpolation
	Default: 3
  -V_METHOD:<str>     	Vertical Interpolation Method
	Available Choices:
	[0] linear
	[1] spline
	[2] polynomial trend
	Default: 0
  -COEFFICIENTS:<str> 	Coefficient Interpolation
	Default: 0
  -LINEAR_SORTED:<str>	Sorted Levels
	Default: 0
  -SPLINE_ALL:<str>   	Pre-analyze
	Default: 0
  -TREND_ORDER:<num>  	Polynomial Order
	Minimum: 1
	Default: 3
  -SURFACE:<str>      	Surface
	Grid (input)
  -RESULT:<str>       	Interpolation
	Grid (output)