SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v7.6.3)

Tool Connectivity Analysis

Connectivity analysis of a binary input image according to
Burger, W., Burge, M.: Digitale Bildverarbeitung. Springer Verlag 2006, p.208.
Output consists in a symbolic image of the connected foreground regions and a shape of the borders of the foreground regions (outer and inner borders). The shape may contain alternatively the centers or the corners of the border pixels. Optionally, the regions which have contact with the image borders can be removed together with their border shapes.
In addition, an optional morphological filter (erosion-binary reconstruction) can be applied to the input image first.


InputInput Binary GridGrid (input)INPUT_GRIDBinary input image for the connectivity analysis-
OutputFiltered Image (*)Grid (optional output)FILTERED_MASKMorphologically filtered binary mask-
Symbolic ImageGrid (output)SYMBOLIC_IMAGEThe final symbolic image-
OutlinesShapes (output)OUTLINESPolygon outlines of object regions-
OptionsGrid SystemGrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Apply Filter?BooleanFILTERApply a filter (erosion - binary reconstruction) to the input image Default: 1
Filter Size (Radius)IntegerSIZEFilter size (radius in grid cells)Default: 3
Pixel Centers?BooleanBORDER_PIXEL_CENTERSShould the output shapes contain the centers of the border pixels instead of the corners?Default: 0
Remove Border Regions?BooleanREMOVE_MARGINAL_REGIONSRemove regions which have contact with (are adjacent to) the image borders?Default: 0
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd grid_filter 14 [-INPUT_GRID <str>] [-FILTERED_MASK <str>] [-FILTER <str>] [-SIZE <num>] [-SYMBOLIC_IMAGE <str>] [-OUTLINES <str>] [-BORDER_PIXEL_CENTERS <str>] [-REMOVE_MARGINAL_REGIONS <str>]
  -INPUT_GRID:<str>             	Input Binary Grid
	Grid (input)
  -FILTERED_MASK:<str>          	Filtered Image
	Grid (optional output)
  -FILTER:<str>                 	Apply Filter?
	Default: 1
  -SIZE:<num>                   	Filter Size (Radius)
	Default: 3
  -SYMBOLIC_IMAGE:<str>         	Symbolic Image
	Grid (output)
  -OUTLINES:<str>               	Outlines
	Shapes (output)
  -BORDER_PIXEL_CENTERS:<str>   	Pixel Centers?
	Default: 0
  -REMOVE_MARGINAL_REGIONS:<str>	Remove Border Regions?
	Default: 0