SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v7.6.3)

Tool Grid Proximity Buffer

This tool calculates the euclidian distance within a buffer distance from all NoData cells to the nearest valid neighbour in a source grid. Additionally, the source cells define the zones that will be used in the euclidean allocation calculations. Cell values in the source grid are treated as IDs (integer) and used in the allocation grid to identify the grid value of the closest source cell. If a cell is at an equal distance to two or more sources, the cell is assigned to the source that is first encountered in the tools scanning process. The buffer grid is a reclassification of the distance grid using a user specified equidistance to create a set of discrete distance buffers from source features. The buffer zones are coded with the maximum distance value of the corresponding buffer interval. The output value type for the distance grid is floating-point. The output values for the allocation and buffer grid are of type integer. The duration of tool execution is dependent on the number of source cells and the buffer distance.


InputSource GridGrid (input)SOURCEGrid with features to be buffered [Category/NoData]-
OutputDistance GridGrid (output)DISTANCEGrid with euclidian distance to nearest source cell [grid units]-
Allocation GridGrid (output)ALLOCGrid with category of nearest source cell [Category]-
Buffer GridGrid (output)BUFFERReclassification of distance grid to buffer zones with a width equal to the equidistance value.-
OptionsGrid SystemGrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Buffer distanceFloating pointDISTBuffer distance (grid units).Default: 500.000000
EquidistanceIntegerIVALReclassify buffer distance to intervals of euqidistance ...Default: 100


Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 10 [-SOURCE <str>] [-DISTANCE <str>] [-ALLOC <str>] [-BUFFER <str>] [-DIST <double>] [-IVAL <num>]
  -SOURCE:<str>  	Source Grid
	Grid (input)
  -DISTANCE:<str>	Distance Grid
	Grid (output)
  -ALLOC:<str>   	Allocation Grid
	Grid (output)
  -BUFFER:<str>  	Buffer Grid
	Grid (output)
  -DIST:<double> 	Buffer distance
	Floating point
	Default: 500.000000
  -IVAL:<num>    	Equidistance
	Default: 100