SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v7.6.3)

Tool Import Grid from Table

Imports a grid from a table.


OutputGrid (*)Data Object Grid (optional output)GRID--
OptionsTableFile pathFILE--
Cell SizeFloating pointCELLSIZE-Default: 1.000000
Left BorderFloating pointXMIN-Default: 0.000000
Lower BorderFloating pointYMIN-Default: 0.000000
Unit NameTextUNIT--
Z MultiplierFloating pointZFACTOR-Default: 1.000000
No Data ValueFloating pointNODATA-Default: -99999.000000
Header LinesIntegerHEADLINES-Minimum: 0
Default: 0
Data TypeChoiceDATA_TYPE-Available Choices:
[0] 1 Byte Integer (unsigned)
[1] 1 Byte Integer (signed)
[2] 2 Byte Integer (unsigned)
[3] 2 Byte Integer (signed)
[4] 4 Byte Integer (unsigned)
[5] 4 Byte Integer (signed)
[6] 4 Byte Floating Point
[7] 8 Byte Floating Point
Default: 6
Line OrderChoiceTOPDOWN-Available Choices:
[0] Bottom to Top
[1] Top to Bottom
Default: 0
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd io_grid 12 [-GRID <str>] [-FILE <str>] [-CELLSIZE <double>] [-XMIN <double>] [-YMIN <double>] [-UNIT <str>] [-ZFACTOR <double>] [-NODATA <double>] [-HEADLINES <num>] [-DATA_TYPE <str>] [-TOPDOWN <str>]
  -GRID:<str>       	Grid
	Data Object Grid (optional output)
  -FILE:<str>       	Table
	File path
  -CELLSIZE:<double>	Cell Size
	Floating point
	Default: 1.000000
  -XMIN:<double>    	Left Border
	Floating point
	Default: 0.000000
  -YMIN:<double>    	Lower Border
	Floating point
	Default: 0.000000
  -UNIT:<str>       	Unit Name
  -ZFACTOR:<double> 	Z Multiplier
	Floating point
	Default: 1.000000
  -NODATA:<double>  	No Data Value
	Floating point
	Default: -99999.000000
  -HEADLINES:<num>  	Header Lines
	Minimum: 0
	Default: 0
  -DATA_TYPE:<str>  	Data Type
	Available Choices:
	[0] 1 Byte Integer (unsigned)
	[1] 1 Byte Integer (signed)
	[2] 2 Byte Integer (unsigned)
	[3] 2 Byte Integer (signed)
	[4] 4 Byte Integer (unsigned)
	[5] 4 Byte Integer (signed)
	[6] 4 Byte Floating Point
	[7] 8 Byte Floating Point
	Default: 6
  -TOPDOWN:<str>    	Line Order
	Available Choices:
	[0] Bottom to Top
	[1] Top to Bottom
	Default: 0