SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v7.6.3)

Tool Export Polygons to HTML Image Map

Tool to create an HTML ImageMap with polygon dataset and image. The tool requires a polygon dataset and an georeferenced image file. It outputs an html file for possible further editing. The image name in the mapfile html is hard coded to be map.png.

How to build the link:

The link will be built with the pattern 'Prefix + Identifier + Suffix'.

Take care!:

Example for GUI usage:
  1. Load your polygon dataset and open it in a map.
  2. Create an image of this map using the map's menu command 'Save Map to Workspace' and save it to an image file using the file name 'map.png'.
  3. Run this tool and save the output to the same directory as the image.
  4. Open the html file in a browser for preview.
  5. Further editing of the html file is suggested.


InputPolygonsShapes (input)POLYGONS--
OptionsLink (*)Table fieldLINK--
Title (*)Table fieldTITLE--
ImageGrid systemIMAGEgrid system of georeferenced image-
FileFile pathFILE--
Link PrefixTextLINK_PREFIX-Default:
Link SuffixTextLINK_SUFFIX-Default: index.html
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 22 [-POLYGONS <str>] [-LINK <str>] [-TITLE <str>] [-IMAGE_NX <num>] [-IMAGE_NY <num>] [-IMAGE_X <double>] [-IMAGE_Y <double>] [-IMAGE_D <double>] [-FILE <str>] [-LINK_PREFIX <str>] [-LINK_SUFFIX <str>]
  -POLYGONS:<str>   	Polygons
	Shapes (input)
  -LINK:<str>       	Link
	Table field
  -TITLE:<str>      	Title
	Table field
  -IMAGE_NX:<num>   	Image
	Grid system
  -IMAGE_NY:<num>   	Image
	Grid system
  -IMAGE_X:<double> 	Image
	Grid system
  -IMAGE_Y:<double> 	Image
	Grid system
  -IMAGE_D:<double> 	Image
	Grid system
  -FILE:<str>       	File
	File path
  -LINK_PREFIX:<str>	Link Prefix
  -LINK_SUFFIX:<str>	Link Suffix
	Default: index.html