SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v7.6.3)

Tool Export LAS Files

This tool exports a SAGA Point Cloud as ASPRS LAS file (version 1.2) using the "libLAS" library. It allows writing Point Data Record Formats 1 to 4. Please have a look at the ASPRS LAS 1.2 Format Specification for more information on the attributes supported with each format.
Get more information about the "libLAS" library at
Please note, that the liblas writer does an "isValid()" check on each point. This might cause problems with MLS data because of the included scan angle check. MLS data ususally includes larger scan angles than ALS data and thus points may fail the test. Please always have a look at the summary printed in the message window.

liblas version: 1.2.1


InputPoint CloudPoint Cloud (input)POINTSThe point cloud to export.-
Optionsgps-time (*)Table fieldT--
intensity (*)Table fieldi--
scan angle (*)Table fielda--
number of the return (*)Table fieldr--
number of returns of given pulse (*)Table fieldn--
classification (*)Table fieldc--
user data (*)Table fieldu--
red channel color (*)Table fieldR--
green channel color (*)Table fieldG--
blue channel color (*)Table fieldB--
edge of flight line flag (*)Table fielde--
direction of scan flag (*)Table fieldd--
point source ID (*)Table fieldp--
SAGA RGB color (*)Table fieldRGB--
Offset XFloating pointOFF_X-Default: 0.000000
Offset YFloating pointOFF_Y-Default: 0.000000
Offset ZFloating pointOFF_Z-Default: 0.000000
Scale XFloating pointSCALE_X-Default: 0.001000
Scale YFloating pointSCALE_Y-Default: 0.001000
Scale ZFloating pointSCALE_Z-Default: 0.001000
Point Data Record FormatChoiceFORMATChoose the Point Data Record Format you like to useAvailable Choices:
[0] 0
[1] 1
[2] 2
[3] 3
Default: 3
Output FileFile pathFILEThe LAS output file.-
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes_las 0 [-POINTS <str>] [-T <str>] [-i <str>] [-a <str>] [-r <str>] [-n <str>] [-c <str>] [-u <str>] [-R <str>] [-G <str>] [-B <str>] [-e <str>] [-d <str>] [-p <str>] [-RGB <str>] [-OFF_X <double>] [-OFF_Y <double>] [-OFF_Z <double>] [-SCALE_X <double>] [-SCALE_Y <double>] [-SCALE_Z <double>] [-FORMAT <str>] [-FILE <str>]
  -POINTS:<str>    	Point Cloud
	Point Cloud (input)
  -T:<str>         	gps-time
	Table field
  -i:<str>         	intensity
	Table field
  -a:<str>         	scan angle
	Table field
  -r:<str>         	number of the return
	Table field
  -n:<str>         	number of returns of given pulse
	Table field
  -c:<str>         	classification
	Table field
  -u:<str>         	user data
	Table field
  -R:<str>         	red channel color
	Table field
  -G:<str>         	green channel color
	Table field
  -B:<str>         	blue channel color
	Table field
  -e:<str>         	edge of flight line flag
	Table field
  -d:<str>         	direction of scan flag
	Table field
  -p:<str>         	point source ID
	Table field
  -RGB:<str>       	SAGA RGB color
	Table field
  -OFF_X:<double>  	Offset X
	Floating point
	Default: 0.000000
  -OFF_Y:<double>  	Offset Y
	Floating point
	Default: 0.000000
  -OFF_Z:<double>  	Offset Z
	Floating point
	Default: 0.000000
  -SCALE_X:<double>	Scale X
	Floating point
	Default: 0.001000
  -SCALE_Y:<double>	Scale Y
	Floating point
	Default: 0.001000
  -SCALE_Z:<double>	Scale Z
	Floating point
	Default: 0.001000
  -FORMAT:<str>    	Point Data Record Format
	Available Choices:
	[0] 0
	[1] 1
	[2] 2
	[3] 3
	Default: 3
  -FILE:<str>      	Output File
	File path