SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v7.6.3)

Tool Get Grid from Virtual Point Cloud (interactive)

The tool allows one to retrieve a grid from a virtual point cloud dataset by dragging a box (AOI) in a Map View.
Optionally, the query can be constrained by providing an attribute field and a value range that must be met.
A virtual point cloud dataset is a simple XML format with the file extension .spcvf, which can be created with the 'Create Virtual Point Cloud Dataset' tool.


OutputGrid (*)Grid list (optional output)GRID_OUTThe output grid(s)-
OptionsFilenameFile pathFILENAMEThe full path and name of the .spcvf file-
Attribute Field to GridIntegerATTR_FIELD_GRIDThe attribute field to grid. Field numbers start with 1, so elevation is attribute field 3.Minimum: 3
Default: 1
CellsizeFloating pointCELL_SIZECellsize of the output grid [map units]Minimum: 0.001000
Default: 1.000000
Grid System FitChoiceGRID_SYSTEM_FITChoose how to align the ouput grid system to the AOIAvailable Choices:
[0] nodes
[1] cells
Default: 1
AggregationChoiceMETHODChoose how to aggregate the valuesAvailable Choices:
[0] lowest
[1] highest
Default: 1
Constrain QueryBooleanCONSTRAIN_QUERYCheck this parameter to constrain the query by an attribute range.Default: 0
Attribute FieldIntegerATTR_FIELDThe attribute field to use as constraint. Field numbers start with 1.Minimum: 1
Default: 1
Value RangeValue rangeVALUE_RANGEMinimum and maximum of attribute range [].-
(*) optional


this interactive tool can not be executed.