SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v7.7.0)

Tool Cross-Classification and Tabulation

(c) 2004 by Victor Olaya. Cross-Classification and Tabulation


InputInput Grid 1Grid, inputINPUT--
Input Grid 2Grid, inputINPUT2--
OutputCross-Classification GridGrid, outputRESULTGRID--
Cross-Tabulation TableTable, outputRESULTTABLE--
OptionsGrid SystemGrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Max. Number of ClassesIntegerMAXNUMCLASSMaximum number of classes in the entire grid.Default: 10


Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 13 [-INPUT <str>] [-INPUT2 <str>] [-RESULTGRID <str>] [-RESULTTABLE <str>] [-MAXNUMCLASS <num>]
  -INPUT:<str>      	Input Grid 1
	Grid, input
  -INPUT2:<str>     	Input Grid 2
	Grid, input
  -RESULTGRID:<str> 	Cross-Classification Grid
	Grid, output
  -RESULTTABLE:<str>	Cross-Tabulation Table
	Table, output
  -MAXNUMCLASS:<num>	Max. Number of Classes
	Default: 10