This tool determines terrain elements where failure (slide- or topple movements) on geological discontinuies are kinematically possible through the spatial application of common frictional feasibility criteria (Günther et al. 2012 and references therein). Both the orientation of slope elements specified through aspect- and dip grids (in radians) are required together with the orientation of one planar structure defined through global- or grid dip direction and dip data, or two planar structures defined by plunge direction and plunge information of their intersection line (in degrees). The shear strength of the discontinuities is specified using global or grid-based friction angle data. Optionally, a cone value can be set allowing for some variance in discontinuity dip orientations. The tool operates in slide (testing for plane and wedge sliding) or topple (testing for plane and wedge toppling) modes.
Günther A., Wienhöfer J., Konietzky H. (2012) Automated mapping of rock slope geometry, kinematics and stability with RSS-GIS. Natural Hazards, 61, 29-49..
- Author: A. Günther (c) 2012
- Menu: Terrain Analysis|Slope Stability
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | DEM | Grid, input | DEM | A DEM | - |
Dip/Plunge direction grid (degree) (*) | Grid, input, optional | C | A dip- or plunge direction grid (in degrees) | - |
Dip/Plunge grid (degree) (*) | Grid, input, optional | D | A dip- or plunge grid (in degrees) | - |
Min friction angle grid (degree) (*) | Grid, input, optional | Emin | A minimum discontinuity friction angle grid (in degrees) | - |
Max friction angle grid (degree) (*) | Grid, input, optional | Emax | A maximum discontinuity friction angle grid (in degrees) | - |
Output | Failures | Grid, output | F | Resulting failure cells (-) grid | - |
Options | Grid System | Grid system | PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM | - | - |
Global dip/plunge direction (degree) | Floating point | fC | Constant value if no raster set | Default: 0.000000 |
Global dip/plunge (degree) | Floating point | fD | Constant value if no raster set | Default: 35.000000 |
Min global friction angle (degree) | Floating point | fEmin | Constant value if no raster set | Default: 35.000000 |
Max global friction angle (degree) | Floating point | fEmax | Constant value if no raster set | Default: 35.000000 |
Cone radius (degree) | Integer | ff | Radius of optional cone variance (in degrees) | Default: 0 |
Parameter sampling runs | Integer | fI | Number of sampling cycles | Default: 1 |
Mode | Choice | METHOD | Set failure mode | Available Choices: [0] Slide [1] Topple Default: 0 |
(*) optional |
Usage: saga_cmd ta_slope_stability 4 [-DEM <str>] [-C <str>] [-D <str>] [-Emin <str>] [-Emax <str>] [-fC <double>] [-fD <double>] [-fEmin <double>] [-fEmax <double>] [-ff <num>] [-F <str>] [-fI <num>] [-METHOD <str>]
-DEM:<str> DEM
Grid, input
-C:<str> Dip/Plunge direction grid (degree)
Grid, input, optional
-D:<str> Dip/Plunge grid (degree)
Grid, input, optional
-Emin:<str> Min friction angle grid (degree)
Grid, input, optional
-Emax:<str> Max friction angle grid (degree)
Grid, input, optional
-fC:<double> Global dip/plunge direction (degree)
Floating point
Default: 0.000000
-fD:<double> Global dip/plunge (degree)
Floating point
Default: 35.000000
-fEmin:<double> Min global friction angle (degree)
Floating point
Default: 35.000000
-fEmax:<double> Max global friction angle (degree)
Floating point
Default: 35.000000
-ff:<num> Cone radius (degree)
Default: 0
-F:<str> Failures
Grid, output
-fI:<num> Parameter sampling runs
Default: 1
-METHOD:<str> Mode
Available Choices:
[0] Slide
[1] Topple
Default: 0