SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.0.1)

Tool Spectral Profile (interactive)

This is the interactive version of the 'Spectral Profile' tool.

Spectral Profile


InputSpectral BandsGrid list, inputBANDS--
OutputSpectral ProfileTable, outputPROFILE--
Profile LocationShapes, outputLOCATION--
OptionsResamplingChoiceRESAMPLING-Available Choices:
[0] Nearest Neighbour
[1] Bilinear Interpolation
[2] Bicubic Spline Interpolation
[3] B-Spline Interpolation
Default: 3
Wave LengthsTextLENGTHSSpace separated wave lengths ordered corresponding to the bands in input list. If empty a simple enumeration will be used instead.Default: 0.485 0.56 0.66 0.83 1.65 2.215 11.45
PredefinedChoice, GUIPREDEFS-Available Choices:
CollectChoiceCOLLECT-Available Choices:
[0] single profile
[1] multiple profiles
Default: 0


this interactive tool can not be executed.