SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.1.2)

Tool Mandelbrot Set (interactive)

Calculates Mandelbrot and Julia sets.



OutputMandelbrot Set (*)Data Object Grid, output, optionalGRID--
OptionsGrid SystemGrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
WidthIntegerNXCellsMinimum: 1
Default: 100
HeightIntegerNYCellsMinimum: 1
Default: 100
X-RangeValue rangeXRANGE--
Y-RangeValue rangeYRANGE--
Julia - XFloating pointJULIA_X-Default: -0.700000
Julia - YFloating pointJULIA_Y-Default: 0.300000
Maximum IterationsIntegerMAXITER-Minimum: 1
Default: 300
TypeChoiceMETHOD-Available Choices:
[0] Mandelbrot
[1] Julia
Default: 0
(*) optional


this interactive tool can not be executed.