SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.1.2)

Tool Histogram Matching

This tool alters the values of a grid so that its value distribution (its histogram), matches that of a reference grid. The first method simply uses arithmetic mean and standard deviation for adjustment, which usually is sufficient for normal distributed values. The second method performs a more precise adjustment based on the grids' histograms.


InputGridGrid, inputGRID--
Reference GridGrid, inputREFERENCE--
OutputAdjusted Grid (*)Grid, output, optionalMATCHED--
OptionsGrid SystemGrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Grid systemGrid systemREFERENCE_GRIDSYSTEM--
MethodChoiceMETHOD-Available Choices:
[0] standard deviation
[1] histogram
Default: 1
Histogramm ClassesIntegerNCLASSESNumber of histogram classes for internal use.Minimum: 100
Default: 10
Maximum Sample SizeIntegerMAXSAMPLESIf set to zero all data will be used to build the histograms.Minimum: 0
Default: 1000000
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 21 [-GRID <str>] [-MATCHED <str>] [-REFERENCE <str>] [-METHOD <str>] [-NCLASSES <num>] [-MAXSAMPLES <num>]
  -GRID:<str>      	Grid
	Grid, input
  -MATCHED:<str>   	Adjusted Grid
	Grid, output, optional
  -REFERENCE:<str> 	Reference Grid
	Grid, input
  -METHOD:<str>    	Method
	Available Choices:
	[0] standard deviation
	[1] histogram
	Default: 1
  -NCLASSES:<num>  	Histogramm Classes
	Minimum: 100
	Default: 10
  -MAXSAMPLES:<num>	Maximum Sample Size
	Minimum: 0
	Default: 1000000