SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.1.2)

Tool Automated Cloud Cover Assessment

Automated Cloud-Cover Assessment (ACCA) for Landsat TM/ETM+ imagery as proposed by Irish (2000). This tool incorporates E.J. Tizado's GRASS GIS implementation (i.landsat.acca).



InputGreenGrid, inputBAND2Reflectance-
RedGrid, inputBAND3Reflectance-
NIRGrid, inputBAND4Reflectance-
SWIRGrid, inputBAND5Reflectance-
ThermalGrid, inputBAND6Kelvin-
OutputCloudsGrid, outputCLOUD--
OptionsGrid SystemGrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Grid systemGrid systemBAND6_GRIDSYSTEM--
SWIR/Thermal ThresholdFloating pointB56CThreshold for SWIR/Thermal Composite (step 6).Default: 225.000000
Desert Detection ThresholdFloating pointB45RThreshold for desert detection (step 10, NIR/SWIR Ratio).Default: 1.000000
Temperature HistogramIntegerHIST_NNumber of classes in the cloud temperature histogram.Minimum: 10
Default: 100
Cloud SignatureBooleanCSIGAlways use cloud signature (step 14).Default: 1
Cloud DifferentiationBooleanPASS2Differentiate between warm (not ambiguous) and cold clouds.Default: 0
ShadowsBooleanSHADOWInclude a category for cloud shadows.Default: 1
FilterBooleanFILTERApply post-processing filter to remove small holes.Default: 1


Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 9 [-BAND2 <str>] [-BAND3 <str>] [-BAND4 <str>] [-BAND5 <str>] [-BAND6 <str>] [-CLOUD <str>] [-B56C <double>] [-B45R <double>] [-HIST_N <num>] [-CSIG <str>] [-PASS2 <str>] [-SHADOW <str>] [-FILTER <str>]
  -BAND2:<str>  	Green
	Grid, input
  -BAND3:<str>  	Red
	Grid, input
  -BAND4:<str>  	NIR
	Grid, input
  -BAND5:<str>  	SWIR
	Grid, input
  -BAND6:<str>  	Thermal
	Grid, input
  -CLOUD:<str>  	Clouds
	Grid, output
  -B56C:<double>	SWIR/Thermal Threshold
	Floating point
	Default: 225.000000
  -B45R:<double>	Desert Detection Threshold
	Floating point
	Default: 1.000000
  -HIST_N:<num> 	Temperature Histogram
	Minimum: 10
	Default: 100
  -CSIG:<str>   	Cloud Signature
	Default: 1
  -PASS2:<str>  	Cloud Differentiation
	Default: 0
  -SHADOW:<str> 	Shadows
	Default: 1
  -FILTER:<str> 	Filter
	Default: 1