SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.1.2)

Tool Export Image (bmp, jpg, pcx, png, tif)

With this tool you can save a grid to an image file. Optionally, a shade grid can be overlayed using the specified transparency and brightness adjustment.


InputGridGrid, inputGRID--
Shade (*)Grid, input, optionalSHADE--
OptionsGrid SystemGrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Image FileFile pathFILE--
Create World FileBooleanFILE_WORLDStore georeference along image to an additional file.Default: 1
Create KML FileBooleanFILE_KMLExpects that the input grid uses geographic coordinates.Default: 0
Set Transparency for No-DataBooleanNO_DATA-Default: 1
ColoringChoiceCOLOURING-Available Choices:
[0] histogram stretch to standard deviation
[1] histogram stretch to percentage range
[2] histogram stretch to value range
[3] lookup table
[4] rgb coded values
Default: 0
Number of ColorsIntegerCOL_COUNT-Default: 100
Revert PaletteBooleanCOL_REVERT-Default: 0
Graduated ColorsBooleanGRADUATED-Default: 1
Standard DeviationFloating pointSTDDEV-Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 2.000000
Percentage RangeValue rangeLINEAR--
Value RangeValue rangeSTRETCH--
ScalingChoiceSCALE_MODEScaling applied to coloring choices (i) grid's standard deviation, (ii) grid's value range, (iii) specified value rangeAvailable Choices:
[0] linear intervals
[1] increasing geometrical intervals
[2] decreasing geometrical intervals
Default: 0
Geometrical Interval FactorFloating pointSCALE_LOG-Minimum: 0.001000
Default: 10.000000
Lookup TableStatic tableLUT-5 Fields:
- 1. [color] Color
- 2. [string] Name
- 3. [string] Description
- 4. [8 byte floating point number] Minimum
- 5. [8 byte floating point number] Maximum
TransparencyFloating pointSHADE_TRANSThe transparency of the shade [%]Minimum: 0.000000
Maximum: 100.000000
Default: 75.000000
Histogram StretchChoiceSHADE_COLOURING-Available Choices:
[0] Linear
[1] Standard Deviation
Default: 0
LinearValue rangeSHADE_BRIGHTMinimum and maximum [%], the range for histogram stretch.-
Standard DeviationFloating pointSHADE_STDDEV-Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 2.000000
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd io_grid_image 0 [-GRID <str>] [-SHADE <str>] [-FILE <str>] [-FILE_WORLD <str>] [-FILE_KML <str>] [-NO_DATA <str>] [-COLOURING <str>] [-COL_COUNT <num>] [-COL_REVERT <str>] [-COL_PALETTE <str>] [-GRADUATED <str>] [-STDDEV <double>] [-LINEAR_MIN <double>] [-LINEAR_MAX <double>] [-STRETCH_MIN <double>] [-STRETCH_MAX <double>] [-SCALE_MODE <str>] [-SCALE_LOG <double>] [-LUT <str>] [-SHADE_TRANS <double>] [-SHADE_COLOURING <str>] [-SHADE_BRIGHT_MIN <double>] [-SHADE_BRIGHT_MAX <double>] [-SHADE_STDDEV <double>]
  -GRID:<str>               	Grid
	Grid, input
  -SHADE:<str>              	Shade
	Grid, input, optional
  -FILE:<str>               	Image File
	File path
  -FILE_WORLD:<str>         	Create World File
	Default: 1
  -FILE_KML:<str>           	Create KML File
	Default: 0
  -NO_DATA:<str>            	Set Transparency for No-Data
	Default: 1
  -COLOURING:<str>          	Coloring
	Available Choices:
	[0] histogram stretch to standard deviation
	[1] histogram stretch to percentage range
	[2] histogram stretch to value range
	[3] lookup table
	[4] rgb coded values
	Default: 0
  -COL_COUNT:<num>          	Number of Colors
	Default: 100
  -COL_REVERT:<str>         	Revert Palette
	Default: 0
  -COL_PALETTE:<str>        	Colors Palette
  -GRADUATED:<str>          	Graduated Colors
	Default: 1
  -STDDEV:<double>          	Standard Deviation
	Floating point
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 2.000000
  -LINEAR_MIN:<double>      	Percentage Range
	Value range
  -LINEAR_MAX:<double>      	Percentage Range
	Value range
  -STRETCH_MIN:<double>     	Value Range
	Value range
  -STRETCH_MAX:<double>     	Value Range
	Value range
  -SCALE_MODE:<str>         	Scaling
	Available Choices:
	[0] linear intervals
	[1] increasing geometrical intervals
	[2] decreasing geometrical intervals
	Default: 0
  -SCALE_LOG:<double>       	Geometrical Interval Factor
	Floating point
	Minimum: 0.001000
	Default: 10.000000
  -LUT:<str>                	Lookup Table
	Static table
	5 Fields:
	- 1. [color] Color
	- 2. [string] Name
	- 3. [string] Description
	- 4. [8 byte floating point number] Minimum
	- 5. [8 byte floating point number] Maximum
  -SHADE_TRANS:<double>     	Transparency
	Floating point
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Maximum: 100.000000
	Default: 75.000000
  -SHADE_COLOURING:<str>    	Histogram Stretch
	Available Choices:
	[0] Linear
	[1] Standard Deviation
	Default: 0
  -SHADE_BRIGHT_MIN:<double>	Linear
	Value range
  -SHADE_BRIGHT_MAX:<double>	Linear
	Value range
  -SHADE_STDDEV:<double>    	Standard Deviation
	Floating point
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 2.000000