SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.1.2)

Tool Split Lines

The Tool provides methods to split lines in multiple lines based on a regular distance or number


InputInput LinesShapes, inputINPUTInput Line Shapefile-
OutputOutput LinesShapes, outputOUTPUTOutput Line Shapefile-
OptionsDistributionChoiceDISTRIBUTION-Available Choices:
[0] By Length
[1] By Number
Default: 0
LengthFloating pointLENGTHLength where the lines will be cutted in map-unitsMinimum: 0.000000
Default: 5.000000
CapsChoiceCAPS_LENGTH-Available Choices:
[0] Start Full Length
[1] Start Remaining Length
[2] Even Ends
Default: 0
Number Of SplitsIntegerNUMBERNumber of splits per lineMinimum: 0
Default: 5
CapsChoiceCAPS_NUMBER-Available Choices:
[0] Full Segment
[1] Half Segment
Default: 0


Usage: saga_cmd shapes_lines 11 [-INPUT <str>] [-OUTPUT <str>] [-DISTRIBUTION <str>] [-LENGTH <double>] [-CAPS_LENGTH <str>] [-NUMBER <num>] [-CAPS_NUMBER <str>]
  -INPUT:<str>       	Input Lines
	Shapes, input
  -OUTPUT:<str>      	Output Lines
	Shapes, output
  -DISTRIBUTION:<str>	Distribution
	Available Choices:
	[0] By Length
	[1] By Number
	Default: 0
  -LENGTH:<double>   	Length
	Floating point
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 5.000000
  -CAPS_LENGTH:<str> 	Caps
	Available Choices:
	[0] Start Full Length
	[1] Start Remaining Length
	[2] Even Ends
	Default: 0
  -NUMBER:<num>      	Number Of Splits
	Minimum: 0
	Default: 5
  -CAPS_NUMBER:<str> 	Caps
	Available Choices:
	[0] Full Segment
	[1] Half Segment
	Default: 0