SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.1.2)

Tool Point to Point Distances

Computes distances between pairs of points.


InputPointsShapes, inputPOINTS--
Near Points (*)Shapes, input, optionalNEAR--
OutputDistancesTable, outputDISTANCES--
Distances as Lines (*)Shapes, output, optionalLINES--
OptionsIdentifier (*)Table fieldID_POINTS--
Identifier (*)Table fieldID_NEAR--
Output FormatChoiceFORMAT-Available Choices:
[0] complete input times near points matrix
[1] each pair with a single record
[2] find only the nearest point for each input point
Default: 1
Maximum DistanceFloating pointMAX_DISTignored if set to zero (consider all pairs)Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 0.000000
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 3 [-POINTS <str>] [-ID_POINTS <str>] [-NEAR <str>] [-ID_NEAR <str>] [-DISTANCES <str>] [-LINES <str>] [-FORMAT <str>] [-MAX_DIST <double>]
  -POINTS:<str>     	Points
	Shapes, input
  -ID_POINTS:<str>  	Identifier
	Table field
  -NEAR:<str>       	Near Points
	Shapes, input, optional
  -ID_NEAR:<str>    	Identifier
	Table field
  -DISTANCES:<str>  	Distances
	Table, output
  -LINES:<str>      	Distances as Lines
	Shapes, output, optional
  -FORMAT:<str>     	Output Format
	Available Choices:
	[0] complete input times near points matrix
	[1] each pair with a single record
	[2] find only the nearest point for each input point
	Default: 1
  -MAX_DIST:<double>	Maximum Distance
	Floating point
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 0.000000