SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.1.2)

Tool Fuzzy Landform Element Classification

Algorithm for derivation of form elements according to slope, maximum curvature, minimum curvature, profile curvature, tangential curvature, based on a linear semantic import model for slope and curvature and a fuzzy classification Based on the AML script 'felementf' by Jochen Schmidt, Landcare Research.



InputElevationGrid, inputELEVATION--
SlopeGrid, inputSLOPE--
Minimum CurvatureGrid, inputMINCURV--
Maximum CurvatureGrid, inputMAXCURV--
Profile CurvatureGrid, inputPCURV--
Tangential CurvatureGrid, inputTCURV--
OutputLandformGrid, outputFORM--
Maximum Membership (*)Grid, output, optionalMEM--
Entropy (*)Grid, output, optionalENTROPY--
Confusion Index (*)Grid, output, optionalCI--
Plain (*)Grid, output, optionalPLAIN--
Pit (*)Grid, output, optionalPIT--
Peak (*)Grid, output, optionalPEAK--
Ridge (*)Grid, output, optionalRIDGE--
Channel (*)Grid, output, optionalCHANNEL--
Saddle (*)Grid, output, optionalSADDLE--
Back Slope (*)Grid, output, optionalBSLOPE--
Foot Slope (*)Grid, output, optionalFSLOPE--
Shoulder Slope (*)Grid, output, optionalSSLOPE--
Hollow (*)Grid, output, optionalHOLLOW--
Foot Hollow (*)Grid, output, optionalFHOLLOW--
Shoulder Hollow (*)Grid, output, optionalSHOLLOW--
Spur (*)Grid, output, optionalSPUR--
Foot Spur (*)Grid, output, optionalFSPUR--
Shoulder Spur (*)Grid, output, optionalSSPUR--
OptionsGrid SystemGrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
InputChoiceINPUTif elevation is selected, slopes and curvatures will be calculated internallyAvailable Choices:
[0] elevation
[1] slope and curvatures
Default: 0
MembershipsBooleanMEMBERSHIP-Default: 0
Slope Grid UnitsChoiceSLOPETODEG-Available Choices:
[0] degree
[1] radians
Default: 0
Slope Thresholds [Degree]Value rangeT_SLOPElower and upper thresholds for semantic import model, planar vs. sloped areas-
Curvature Thresholds [1000 / m]Value rangeT_CURVElower and upper thresholds for semantic import model, straight vs. curved areas-
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 25 [-ELEVATION <str>] [-SLOPE <str>] [-MINCURV <str>] [-MAXCURV <str>] [-PCURV <str>] [-TCURV <str>] [-FORM <str>] [-MEM <str>] [-ENTROPY <str>] [-CI <str>] [-PLAIN <str>] [-PIT <str>] [-PEAK <str>] [-RIDGE <str>] [-CHANNEL <str>] [-SADDLE <str>] [-BSLOPE <str>] [-FSLOPE <str>] [-SSLOPE <str>] [-HOLLOW <str>] [-FHOLLOW <str>] [-SHOLLOW <str>] [-SPUR <str>] [-FSPUR <str>] [-SSPUR <str>] [-INPUT <str>] [-MEMBERSHIP <str>] [-SLOPETODEG <str>] [-T_SLOPE_MIN <double>] [-T_SLOPE_MAX <double>] [-T_CURVE_MIN <double>] [-T_CURVE_MAX <double>]
  -ELEVATION:<str>     	Elevation
	Grid, input
  -SLOPE:<str>         	Slope
	Grid, input
  -MINCURV:<str>       	Minimum Curvature
	Grid, input
  -MAXCURV:<str>       	Maximum Curvature
	Grid, input
  -PCURV:<str>         	Profile Curvature
	Grid, input
  -TCURV:<str>         	Tangential Curvature
	Grid, input
  -FORM:<str>          	Landform
	Grid, output
  -MEM:<str>           	Maximum Membership
	Grid, output, optional
  -ENTROPY:<str>       	Entropy
	Grid, output, optional
  -CI:<str>            	Confusion Index
	Grid, output, optional
  -PLAIN:<str>         	Plain
	Grid, output, optional
  -PIT:<str>           	Pit
	Grid, output, optional
  -PEAK:<str>          	Peak
	Grid, output, optional
  -RIDGE:<str>         	Ridge
	Grid, output, optional
  -CHANNEL:<str>       	Channel
	Grid, output, optional
  -SADDLE:<str>        	Saddle
	Grid, output, optional
  -BSLOPE:<str>        	Back Slope
	Grid, output, optional
  -FSLOPE:<str>        	Foot Slope
	Grid, output, optional
  -SSLOPE:<str>        	Shoulder Slope
	Grid, output, optional
  -HOLLOW:<str>        	Hollow
	Grid, output, optional
  -FHOLLOW:<str>       	Foot Hollow
	Grid, output, optional
  -SHOLLOW:<str>       	Shoulder Hollow
	Grid, output, optional
  -SPUR:<str>          	Spur
	Grid, output, optional
  -FSPUR:<str>         	Foot Spur
	Grid, output, optional
  -SSPUR:<str>         	Shoulder Spur
	Grid, output, optional
  -INPUT:<str>         	Input
	Available Choices:
	[0] elevation
	[1] slope and curvatures
	Default: 0
  -MEMBERSHIP:<str>    	Memberships
	Default: 0
  -SLOPETODEG:<str>    	Slope Grid Units
	Available Choices:
	[0] degree
	[1] radians
	Default: 0
  -T_SLOPE_MIN:<double>	Slope Thresholds [Degree]
	Value range
  -T_SLOPE_MAX:<double>	Slope Thresholds [Degree]
	Value range
  -T_CURVE_MIN:<double>	Curvature Thresholds [1000 / m]
	Value range
  -T_CURVE_MAX:<double>	Curvature Thresholds [1000 / m]
	Value range