SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.1.2)

Tool TIN Viewer

3D viewer for TIN.


Left ButtonRotate Left/Right and Up/Down
Right ButtonShift Left/Right and Up/Down
Middle ButtonIncrease/Decrease Exaggeration (Up/Down) and Perspective Distance for Central Projection (Left/Right)
WheelShift Forward/Backward


0Increase Eye Distance Angle for Anaglyph View
1Rotate Left
2Rotate Right
3Rotate Up
4Rotate Down
5Roll Left
6Roll Right
7Increase Perspective Distance for Central Projection
8Decrease Perspective Distance for Central Projection
9Decrease Eye Distance Angle for Anaglyph View
BBounding Box
CParallel/Central Projection
Ctrl+ASequencer, Add Position
Ctrl+CCopy to Clipboard
Ctrl+DSequencer, Delete Last Position
Ctrl+LSequencer, Play Loop
Ctrl+PSequencer, Play Once
Ctrl+SSequencer, Play and Save to Image
Ctrl+XSequencer, Delete All Positions
DeleteShift Right
EndShift Down
EscapeSequencer, Stop Playing
F1Decrease Exaggeration
F2Increase Exaggeration
F3Decrease Size
F4Increase Size
F5Decrease Size Scaling
F6Increase Size Scaling
HomeShift Up
InsertShift Left
LAxis Labeling
NNorth Arrow
Page DownShift Backward
Page UpShift Forward


InputTINTIN, inputTIN--
Map (*)Grid, input, optionalDRAPErgb coded raster map to be draped-
OptionsElevationTable fieldHEIGHT--
ColorTable fieldCOLOR--
Grid systemGrid systemDRAPE_GRIDSYSTEM--
(*) optional


tool needs graphical user interface [TIN Viewer]