SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool Climate Classification

This tool applies a climate classification scheme using monthly mean temperature and precipitation data. Currently implemented classification schemes are Koeppen-Geiger (1936), Thornthwaite (1931), and Troll-Paffen (1964). Because of some less precise definitions the Troll-Paffen scheme still needs some revisions.



InputTemperaturegrid list, inputT--
Precipitationgrid list, inputP--
OutputClimate Classificationgrid, outputCLASSES--
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
ClassificationchoiceMETHOD-Available Choices:
[0] Koeppen-Geiger
[1] Koeppen-Geiger without As/Aw differentiation
[2] Koeppen-Geiger after Peel et al. (2007)
[3] Wissmann (1939)
[4] Thornthwaite (1931)
[5] Troll-Paffen
Default: 1


Usage: saga_cmd climate_tools 19 [-T <str>] [-P <str>] [-CLASSES <str>] [-METHOD <str>]
  -T:<str>      	Temperature
	grid list, input
  -P:<str>      	Precipitation
	grid list, input
  -CLASSES:<str>	Climate Classification
	grid, output
  -METHOD:<str> 	Classification
	Available Choices:
	[0] Koeppen-Geiger
	[1] Koeppen-Geiger without As/Aw differentiation
	[2] Koeppen-Geiger after Peel et al. (2007)
	[3] Wissmann (1939)
	[4] Thornthwaite (1931)
	[5] Troll-Paffen
	Default: 1